In Knox config file in Ambari we have defined:


The problem is we have 2 namenodes, one active and one passive for high availability. Our active namenode01 failed so namenode02 became active.

This caused problems for a lot scripts as they were hardcoded to point to namenode01. So we used a command to failover namenode02 back to namenode01 using a terminal, not Ambari.

Now, the macro {{namenode_host}} is defined as namenode02 and not namenode01.

So, where is {{namenode_host}} defined?

Or, do we need to failover namenode01 to namenode02, then failover again to namenode01 using Ambari to update the macro?

If we need to failover the namenode using Ambari, I'm assuming we need to select the "Restart" option? There isn't a direct failover command.


1 回答 1




这是对 Ambari 的承诺,以支持 Knox 的 HA 模式。但是,如果您仍在寻找该位置,请查看在补丁中编辑的文件。该文件是设置宏的地方。不过,您必须在本地计算机上找到它。


于 2015-09-04T18:46:42.263 回答