我有一组运算符需要重写以进行表达式模板。我希望基类型的所有派生类都与基类型匹配。然后其他的东西会被泛型类型捕获。不幸的是,泛型类型在基类型之前获取派生类型。为了让事情变得美好和混乱,一切都被大量模板化,包括一些 CRTP。让我试着给出一个更简单的代码版本:

// Note: 'R' is used for return type
template <typename DerivedType, typename R>
class Base
{ // ...

template <typename E1, typename E2, typename R>
class MultOperation : public Base<MultOperation<E1, E2, R>, R>
{ // ...

template <typename T>
class Terminal : public Base<Terminal<T>, T>
{ // ...

// The broken operators:
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename R1, typename R2>
MultOperation<Base<T1, R1>, Base<T2, R2>, typename boost::common_type<R1, R2>::type>
operator*( Base<T1, R1> const& u, Base<T2, R2> const& v)
    return MultOperation<Base<T1, R1>, Base<T2, R2>, typename boost::common_type<R1, R2>::type>(u, v);

template <typename T1, typename T2, typename R1, typename R2>
MultOperation<Terminal<T1>, Base<T2, R2>, typename boost::common_type<T1, R2>::type>
operator*( T1 const& u, Base<T2, R2> const& v)
    return MultOperation<Terminal<T1>, Base<T2, R2>, typename boost::common_type<T1, R2>::type>(Terminal<T1>(u), v);

template <typename T1, typename T2, typename R1, typename R2>
MultOperation<Base<T1, R1>, Terminal<T2>, typename boost::common_type<R1, T2>::type>
operator*( Base<T1, R1> const& u, T2 const& v)
    return MultOperation<Base<T1, R1>, Terminal<T2>, typename boost::common_type<R1, T2>::type>(u, Terminal<T2>, v);

现在,我不能使用任何新的 C++ 功能。(这是删除旧库的一些重构的一部分,因此我们可以升级到新的 cpp 标准。)不过,我可以使用 boost 的东西。我在想我的答案可能在于boost::enable_if某些东西,但我所有的尝试都导致了死胡同。现在,请记住,目标是表达式模板,所以我不能为传入的数据做任何转换。是的......它太复杂了......我希望你有一些魔法。

问题的简短版本: 如何(1 * Derived) * Derived匹配operator(T, Base)第一个运算符,然后匹配operator(Base, Base)第二个运算符?它目前匹配第一个罚款,然后第二个匹配一个 Base-generic 运算符,因为 T 不进行转换,因此比 Base 匹配得更好。


2 回答 2



template<class T>
struct is_some_kind_of_Base {
    typedef char yes;
    typedef struct { char _[2]; } no;

    template<class U, class V>
    static yes test(Base<U, V> *);
    static no test(...);

    static const bool value = (sizeof(test((T*)0)) == sizeof(yes));

然后约束你后面的两个operator*s 像:

template <typename T1, typename T2,  typename R2>
typename boost::disable_if<is_some_kind_of_Base<T1>,
                MultOperation<Terminal<T1>, Base<T2, R2>, 
                              typename boost::common_type<T1, R2>::type> >::type
operator*( T1 const& u, Base<T2, R2> const& v) { /* ... */ }



template <class T1, class T2, class R1, class R2>
struct make_mult_operation {
    typedef MultOperation<T1, T2, typename boost::common_type<R1, R2>::type> type;

template <typename T1, typename T2,  typename R2>
typename boost::disable_if<is_some_kind_of_Base<T1>,
                make_mult_operation<Terminal<T1>, T2, T1, R2> >::type::type
operator*( T1 const& u, Base<T2, R2> const& v) { /* ... */ }


于 2015-05-12T23:45:10.357 回答



template<typename T, typename U>
struct is_derived_from_base
    static constexpr bool first = std::is_base_of<Base<T>, T>::value;
    static constexpr bool second = std::is_base_of<Base<U>, U>::value;

    static constexpr bool none = !first && !second;
    static constexpr bool both = first && second;
    static constexpr bool only_first = first && !second;
    static constexpr bool only_second = !first && second;

template<typename T, typename U, typename = typename std::enable_if<is_derived_from_base<T,U>::none>::type >
auto operator*(T const& t, U const& u)
    std::cout<<"Both T and U are not derived"<<std::endl;
    return MultOperation<T, U>(t,u);

template<typename T, typename U, typename = typename std::enable_if<is_derived_from_base<T,U>::only_first>::type >
auto operator*(Base<T> const& t, U const& u)
    std::cout<<"T is derived from Base<T>, U is not derived"<<std::endl;
    return MultOperation<Base<T>, U>(t,u);

template<typename T, typename U, typename = typename std::enable_if<is_derived_from_base<T,U>::only_second>::type >
auto operator*(T const& t, Base<U> const& u)
    std::cout<<"T is not derived, U is derived from Base<U>"<<std::endl;
    return MultOperation<T, Base<U> >(t,u);

template<typename T, typename U, typename = typename std::enable_if<is_derived_from_base<T,U>::both>::type >
auto operator*(Base<T> const& t, Base<U> const& u)
    std::cout<<"T is derived from Base<T>, U is derived from Base<U>"<<std::endl;
    return MultOperation<Base<T>, Base<U> >(t,u);


于 2015-05-13T00:01:45.900 回答