I have the following algorithm but I dont know its' complexity. Could someone help me? Input size is n.
int x = n;
while (x > 0)
System.out.println("Value is" + x);
x = x/5;
Thanks a lot!
I have the following algorithm but I dont know its' complexity. Could someone help me? Input size is n.
int x = n;
while (x > 0)
System.out.println("Value is" + x);
x = x/5;
Thanks a lot!
在每次迭代中,x 除以 5。x 需要多少次迭代才能低于 1(因此为 0)?
(以 n 为底的 5 的对数),即O(log(n))
令 T(n) 为对输入 n 执行的操作数。
每次迭代执行 O(1) 操作。所以:
T(n) = O(1) + T(n/5)
= O(1) + O(1) + T(n/25) = 2*O(1) + T(n/25)
= 2*O(1) + O(1) + T(n/125) = 3*O(1) + T(n/125)
每次迭代都会将 O(1) 添加到复杂性中,并且您将运行直到 n/(5^a) < 1 其中 a 是执行的迭代次数(因为您的输入是整数)。
条件什么时候能成立?只需在不等式两边取 log5(以 5 为底数)并得到:
log5(n/(5^a)) < log5(1) = 0
log5(n) - log5(5^a) = 0
log5(n) = a*log5(5) [because log(b^c) = c*log(b)]
log5(n) = a
因此,您将需要 log5(n) 迭代,每次都增加 O(1) ,因此您的复杂度为log5(n)。