I am currently working on a project that uses an iPad as the interface for the the product we are making. There is an external accessory feeding the iPad sensor data and the iPad will need to be on the business that buys our product's wifi.

The concern I have is that this doesn't really seem to fit under Apple's enterprise solution since it will not be under our own employees. Does this rule out MDM?

Apple configurator seems to be a good way of deploying these iPads and has the added benefit of preprograming stuff like the wifi of the business we are selling the product to. However, it would be preferable if the iPad was remotely configurable.

Anyways if anybody has had any experience creating such a system/workflow I would love to hear your thoughts.



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B2B 计划正是您所寻找的。https://developer.apple.com/programs/volume/b2b/

于 2015-05-11T22:35:48.907 回答