问题 #1
我有一个相对整洁的 df (dat),暗淡 10299 x 563。两个数据集 [创建的] dat共有的 563 个变量是“主题”(数字)、“标签”(数字)、3:563(来自文本文件)。观察 1:2947 来自“测试”数据集,而观察 2948:10299 来自“训练”数据集。
我想在 dat 中插入一列(header = 'type'),它基本上是由字符串测试组成的第 1:2947 行和字符串训练的第 2948:10299 行,这样我以后可以在数据集或其他类似的聚合函数中分组dplyr/tidyr。
我创建了一个测试 df (testdf = 1:10299: dim(testdf) = 102499 x 1) 然后:
testdat[1:2947 , "type"] <- c("test")
testdat[2948:10299, "type"] <- c("train")
> head(ds, 2);tail(ds, 2)
X1.10299 type
1 1 test
2 2 test
X1.10299 type
10298 10298 train
10299 10299 train
- 根据上面的用例,是否有更好、更方便的方法来创建包含我正在寻找的内容的列?
- 什么是将该列实际插入“dat”以便我以后可以使用它与 dplyr 进行分组的好方法?
问题 #2
我从上面到达我的 [几乎] 整洁的 df (dat) 的方式是分别取两个形式为 dim(2947 x 563 和 7352 x 563) 的 dfs (test 和 train),然后将它们绑定在一起。
test.names <- names(test)
train.names <- names(train)
identical(test.names, train.names)
dat <- bind_rows(test, train)
它返回一个数据框,显然保留了我所有的观察结果(x:10299),但现在我的变量计数从 563 减少到 470!
- 有谁知道为什么我的变量被砍掉了?
- 这是将两个相同结构的 dfs 结合起来以便以后使用 dplyr/ 进行切片/切块的最佳方法吗?
样本测试/训练 dfs 以供审查(最左边的数字是 df 指数):
测试 df 测试[1:10, 1:5]
subject labels tBodyAcc-mean()-X tBodyAcc-mean()-Y tBodyAcc-mean()-Z
1 2 5 0.2571778 -0.02328523 -0.01465376
2 2 5 0.2860267 -0.01316336 -0.11908252
3 2 5 0.2754848 -0.02605042 -0.11815167
4 2 5 0.2702982 -0.03261387 -0.11752018
5 2 5 0.2748330 -0.02784779 -0.12952716
6 2 5 0.2792199 -0.01862040 -0.11390197
7 2 5 0.2797459 -0.01827103 -0.10399988
8 2 5 0.2746005 -0.02503513 -0.11683085
9 2 5 0.2725287 -0.02095401 -0.11447249
10 2 5 0.2757457 -0.01037199 -0.09977589
train df train[1:10, 1:5]
subject label tBodyAcc-mean()-X tBodyAcc-mean()-Y tBodyAcc-mean()-Z
1 1 5 0.2885845 -0.020294171 -0.1329051
2 1 5 0.2784188 -0.016410568 -0.1235202
3 1 5 0.2796531 -0.019467156 -0.1134617
4 1 5 0.2791739 -0.026200646 -0.1232826
5 1 5 0.2766288 -0.016569655 -0.1153619
6 1 5 0.2771988 -0.010097850 -0.1051373
7 1 5 0.2794539 -0.019640776 -0.1100221
8 1 5 0.2774325 -0.030488303 -0.1253604
9 1 5 0.2772934 -0.021750698 -0.1207508
10 1 5 0.2805857 -0.009960298 -0.1060652
[ http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/00240/ ]我在这段代码中使用的数据集。1
run_analysis <- function () {
#Vars available for use throughout the function that should be preserved
vars <- read.table("features.txt", header = FALSE, sep = "")
lookup_table <- data.frame(activitynum = c(1,2,3,4,5,6),
activity_label = c("walking", "walking_up",
"walking_down", "sitting",
"standing", "laying"))
test <- test_read_process(vars, lookup_table)
train <- train_read_process(vars, lookup_table)
test_read_process <- function(vars, lookup_table) {
#read in the three documents for cbinding later
test.sub <- read.table("test/subject_test.txt", header = FALSE)
test.labels <- read.table("test/y_test.txt", header = FALSE)
test.obs <- read.table("test/X_test.txt", header = FALSE, sep = "")
#cbind the cols together and set remaining colNames to var names in vars
test.dat <- cbind(test.sub, test.labels, test.obs)
colnames(test.dat) <- c("subject", "labels", as.character(vars[,2]))
#Use lookup_table to set the "test_labels" string values that correspond
#to their integer IDs
#test.lookup <- merge(test, lookup_table, by.x = "labels",
# by.y ="activitynum", all.x = T)
#Remove temporary symbols from globalEnv/memory
rm(test.sub, test.labels, test.obs)
train_read_process <- function(vars, lookup_table) {
#read in the three documents for cbinding
train.sub <- read.table("train/subject_train.txt", header = FALSE)
train.labels <- read.table("train/y_train.txt", header = FALSE)
train.obs <- read.table("train/X_train.txt", header = FALSE, sep = "")
#cbind the cols together and set remaining colNames to var names in vars
train.dat <- cbind(train.sub, train.labels, train.obs)
colnames(train.dat) <- c("subject", "label", as.character(vars[,2]))
#Clean up temporary symbols from globalEnv/memory
rm(train.sub, train.labels, train.obs, vars)