在我的 wiki 中,我有一些源代码,例如下面发布的代码片段。
我已经按照维基媒体的要求将每个 MySQL 语句用大写字母加粗,并在其周围加上三个撇号。
{| class="wikitable"
!style="width:250px" | MySQL Commands
!style="width:500px" | Example
|<span style="color:#909">'''SELECT COUNT'''</span>
|'''SELECT COUNT(*)''' '''FROM''' classics;
|'''SELECT COUNT''' displays the number of rows in the table by passing * as a parameter, which means “all rows.”
|'''SELECT''' author '''FROM''' classics; <br>'''SELECT DISTINCT''' author '''FROM''' classics;
|'''SELECT DISTINCT''' (or '''DISTINCTROW''') allows you to “weed out” multiple entries when they contain the same data.
|'''DELETE FROM''' classics '''WHERE''' title='Little Dorrit';
|This example issues a '''DELETE''' command for all rows whose title column contains the string inside the ‘’.
如何制作一个正则表达式,两次找到三个撇号的序列,然后放在<span style ="color:#909">
第一组撇号之前,最后 </span>
在最后一组之后设置 a?