public partial class Position
public int PositionId { get; set; }
public string PositionName { get; set; }
public int ParentPositionId { get; set; }
public partial class DeptPosition
public long Id { get; set; }
public int DeptId { get; set; }
public int PosId { get; set; }
public partial class Dept
public int DepartmentId { get; set; }
public string DepartmentName { get; set; }
现在,一个职位可以有一个父级作为另一个职位或部门。假设 Pos1 的父项为 Pos2,Pos2 的父项为 Pos3,而 Pos3 现在的父项为 Dept1。所以在这里我如何通过其他位置获得作为 Pos1 的父级的 Dept1。现在在这里,如果 Dept1 是 Pos1 的直接父级,那么我可以找到并修复它,但是如果某个职位间接在部门中有父级,如何编写查询。
DepartmentId DepartmentName
1 HR
2 IT
PositionId PositionName ParentPositionId
1001 Pos1 1002 //Pos2
1002 Pos2 1003 //Pos3
1003 Pos3 null
1004 Pos4 null
Id DeptId PosId
2001 1 1003
2002 2 1004
感谢所有回复。现在说如果我想获得 Pos3 的家长部门。那我就简单的说
var parId=db.DeptPos.FirstOfDefault(x=>x.PositionId==id).DeptId;
var parName=db.Department.FirstOfDefault(x=>x.DepartmentId==parId).DepartmentName;
Here id for the position is 1003
现在这将给该职位的家长部门并且由于 Pos1 没有作为直接家长的部门所以现在我说
Here the id for the position is 1001
var parId=db.DeptPos.FirstOfDefault(x=>x.PositionId==id).DeptId;
Here I get parId as null since Pos1 with Id 1001 doesnot a department as direct parent.
var parPosId=db.Positions.FirstOrDefault(x=>x.PositionId==id).ParentPositionId
//Getting ParentPositionRecord
var parPosId2=db.Positions.FirstOrDefault(x=>x.PositionId==parPosId).ParentPositionId;
//Now if there are 20 positions and let's say if that position is having a parent Department via 10 positions. An example here
PositionId PositionName ParentPositionId
1001 Pos1 1002
1002 Pos2 1003
1003 Pos3 1004
1004 Pos4 1005
1005 Pos5 1006
1006 Pos6 1007
1007 Pos7 1008
1008 Pos8 1009
1009 Pos9 1010
1010 Pos10 null
---- ---- ------
1020 Pos20 null
Id DeptId PosId
2001 1 1010
2002 2 1020
I need to go on repeating code 10 times or might be ...........
So is there something which gives me DeptId as 1 from DeptPos in above example by some other way.