数据插入到第一个表中,但是获取 ID 号的代码似乎不起作用,并且数据没有插入到接下来的两个表中。代码运行并出现感谢消息,感谢此人提交其详细信息。




enter code here

    <form method="post" action="formprocess3.php">
          <td>Customer Details</td>
          <td>Appointment Preference</td>
          <td>Cupcake Details</td>
      <td>First Name             
      <input name="FirstName" type="text" id="FirstName" maxlength="20" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['FirstName'])) echo $_POST ['FirstName']; ?>"/>
      <td>Appointment Date            
              <input name="AppointmentDate" type="date"  id="AppointmentDate" maxlength="10" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['AppointmentDate'])) echo $_POST['AppointmentDate']; ?>"/>
    <select name="CupcakeSize" id="CupcakeSize" type="radio" maxlength="5" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['CupcakeSize'])) echo $_POST['CupcakeSize']; ?>"/>
             <input name="Surname" type="text"  id="Surname"  maxlength="20" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['Surame'])) echo $_POST['Surname']; ?>"/></td>
          <td>Appointment Time
         <select name="AppointmentTime" type="radio" maxlength="20" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['AppointmentTime'])) echo $_POST ['AppointmentTime']; ?>"/>

              <option>9.30am -10.30am</option>
              <option>11am - 12pm</option>
              <option>1.30pm - 2.30pm</option>
              <option>3pm - 4pm</option>
              <option>4.30pm - 5.30pm</option>
              <option>7pm - 8pm</option>
          <input type="text" name="Quantity" id="Quantity"/></td>
          <td>Email address 
          <input name="EmailAddress" type="email"  id="Email" maxlength="20" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['EmailAddress'])) echo $_POST['EmailAddress']; ?>"/></td>

            <input name="Taster" type="checkbox" id="Taster"/>
            <td maxlength="1" type="radio" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['Taster'])) echo $_POST['Taster']; ?>"/>
        <select name="CupcakeFrosting" id="CupcakeFrosting" type="radio" maxlength="10" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['CupcakeFrosting'])) echo $_POST['CupcakeFrosting']; ?>"/>
          <input name="Postcode" type="text" id="Postcode" style="width: 130px; height: 20px" class="auto-style24" maxlength="10" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['Postcode'])) echo $_POST['Postcode']; ?>"/></td>
      <td>Cake wanted by
      <input name="CakeWantedBy" type="date" id="CakeWantedBy" maxlength="10" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['CakeWantedBy'])) echo $_POST['CakeWantedBy']; ?>"/>
            <select name="CupcakeFlavour" id="Flavour" type="radio" maxlength="10" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['CupcakeFlavour'])) echo $_POST['CupcakeFlavour']; ?>"/>
            <option>Red Velvet</option>
            <option>Decide with taster £20</option>
            <input name="MobileNumber" type="text" id="MobileNumber" maxlength="20" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['MobileNumber'])) echo $_POST['MobileNumber']; ?>"/>          
            <span class="auto-style24">Occasion 
            <select name="Occasion" type="radio" id="Occasion" maxlength="20" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['Occassion'])) echo $_POST['Occassion']; ?>"/>
            <option>New baby</option>
            <option>New Job</option>


<title>Form Process Message</title>
<?php # 

// This script performs an INSERT query to add a record to the users table.


 // open the database...

 require ('mysqli_connect.php'); 

 // Make the query:

// Customer details

 $t = $_POST[Title];
 $fn = $_POST[FirstName];
 $sn = $_POST[Surname];
 $e = $_POST[EmailAddress];
 $ht = $_POST[HomeTelephone];
 $mn = $_POST[MobileNumber];
 $hn = $_POST[HouseNumberName];
 $s = $_POST[Street];
 $tw = $_POST[Town];
 $c = $_POST[County];
 $pc = $_POST[Postcode];

 // Cake details
 $ct = $POST[CupcakeType];
 $cn = $_POST[CupcakeNumber];
 $cf = $_POST[CupcakeFrosting];
 $o = $_POST[Occassion];

 // Preferred Appointment
 $ad = $_POST[AppointmentDate];
 $at = $_POST[AppointmentTime];
 $ta = $_POST[Taster];
 $cwb = $_POST[CakeWantedBy];

 $q = "INSERT INTO customerdetails(Title, FirstName, Surname, EmailAddress,   HomeTelephone, MobileNumber, HouseNumberName, Street, Town, County, Postcode) VALUES ('$t','$fn', '$sn', '$e', '$ht', '$mn', '$hn', '$s', '$tw', '$c', '$pc')";

 //execute query        
 $r = @mysqli_query ($dbc, $q); 

 //get customer id for preferred appointment 
$ci = my_sqli_insert_id($dbc);

 $q1 = "INSERT INTO cakedetail(CupcakeType, CupcakeNumber, CupcakeFrosting, Occassion) VALUES ('$ct','$cn', '$cf', '$o')";

//execute query
$r1 = @mysqli_query ($dbc, $q1);

//get cakedetail id for preferred appointment
$cdi = my_sqli_insert_id($dbc);

$q2 = "INSERT INTO preferredappointment(AppointmentDate, AppoitmentTime, Taster, CakeWantedBy, EmailAddress) VALUES ($ci, $cdi, '$ad','$at', '$ta', '$cwb', '$e')";

//execute query 
$r2 = @mysqli_query ($dbc, $q2);  

// Run the query.

if ($r) { 

// If it ran OK.
// Print a message:

echo '<h1>Thank you!

<br />
Your request is now registered.
<br />  
<a href="gallery.html">Back to the Gallery page</a></h1>';      
 else { 

// If it did not run OK.
// Public message:  

 echo '<h1>System Error</h1>

 <p class="error">You could not be registered due to a system error. We apologise for any inconvenience.</p>

 <a href="gallery.html">Back to the Gallery page</a>';      
 // Debugging message:

 echo '<p>' . mysqli_error($dbc) . '<br /><br />
 Query: ' . $q . '</p>';

 //close the dbc        


共有三个数据库表,分别称为 cakeorder、customerdetails 和首选约会。我不认为多表插入适用于早期版本的 PHP,这是我开始使用的,但我现在使用的是 xampp 5.5.24 和 PHP 5.5.24。我去掉了大部分 html 的格式,所以我可能在这里的某个地方留下了一个悬挂标签,但实际网页上没有。我对PHP不是很精通,所以很多都是通过浏览这个网站来整理的。任何帮助将不胜感激。谢谢


1 回答 1


Thank you for your feedback. It's not for professional use, so I am not so worried about vulnerability it is just trying to get the stuff to work. As I said I don't know much about php code hence the mistake of using my_sqli_insert_id. It may be better to create a stored procedure, but I am just learning the basics at the moment.

于 2015-05-09T11:22:37.133 回答