它有点长(大约 90 行),但如果你经常有这个需求,想要一个易于使用的 oneliner,并且需要一个纯 Python 无依赖环境,那么我认为它可能会派上用场。
- 如果新长度更小,请通过删除项目来缩小列表,就像之前已经建议的答案一样。
- 如果新长度较大,则
- 线性插值 bw 已知值(如果列表包含整数或浮点数,则自动选择)
- 复制每个值,使它们占据新列表的比例大小(如果列表包含非数字,则自动选择)
- 将原始值分开并在两者之间留出空隙
origlist = [0,None,None,30,None,50,60,70,None,None,100]
resizedlist = ResizeList(testlist, 21)
[0, 5.00000000001, 9.9999999999900009, 15.0, 20.000000000010001, 24.999999999989999, 30, 35.0, 40.0, 45.0, 50.0, 55.0, 60.0, 65.0, 70, 75.000000000010004, 79.999999999989996, 85.0, 90.000000000010004, 94.999999999989996, 100]
请注意,由于浮点限制,会出现轻微的不准确性。另外,我是为 Python 2.x 编写的,所以要在 Python 3.x 上使用它,只需添加一行xrange = range
这是一个在列表列表中定位的子项之间进行插值的绝妙技巧。因此,例如,您可以轻松地在 RGB 颜色元组之间进行插值,以创建 x nr 步长的颜色渐变。假设 RGB 颜色元组列表为 3 和所需的 GRADIENTLENGTH 变量,您可以这样做:
crosssections = zip(*rgbtuples)
grad_crosssections = ( ResizeList(spectrum,GRADIENTLENGTH) for spectrum in crosssections )
rgb_gradient = [list(each) for each in zip(*grad_crosssections)]
def ResizeList(rows, newlength, stretchmethod="not specified", gapvalue=None):
Resizes (up or down) and returns a new list of a given size, based on an input list.
- rows: the input list, which can contain any type of value or item (except if using the interpolate stretchmethod which requires floats or ints only)
- newlength: the new length of the output list (if this is the same as the input list then the original list will be returned immediately)
- stretchmethod: if the list is being stretched, this decides how to do it. Valid values are:
- 'interpolate'
- linearly interpolate between the known values (automatically chosen if list contains ints or floats)
- 'duplicate'
- duplicate each value so they occupy a proportional size of the new list (automatically chosen if the list contains non-numbers)
- 'spread'
- drags the original values apart and leaves gaps as defined by the gapvalue option
- gapvalue: a value that will be used as gaps to fill in between the original values when using the 'spread' stretchmethod
#return input as is if no difference in length
if newlength == len(rows):
return rows
#set auto stretchmode
if stretchmethod == "not specified":
if isinstance(rows[0], (int,float)):
stretchmethod = "interpolate"
stretchmethod = "duplicate"
#reduce newlength
newlength -= 1
#assign first value
outlist = [rows[0]]
writinggapsflag = False
if rows[1] == gapvalue:
writinggapsflag = True
relspreadindexgen = (index/float(len(rows)-1) for index in xrange(1,len(rows))) #warning a little hacky by skipping first index cus is assigned auto
relspreadindex = next(relspreadindexgen)
spreadflag = False
gapcount = 0
for outlistindex in xrange(1, newlength):
#relative positions
rel = outlistindex/float(newlength)
relindex = (len(rows)-1) * rel
basenr,decimals = str(relindex).split(".")
relbwindex = float("0."+decimals)
#determine equivalent value
if stretchmethod=="interpolate":
#test for gap
maybecurrelval = rows[int(relindex)]
maybenextrelval = rows[int(relindex)+1]
if maybecurrelval == gapvalue:
#found gapvalue, so skipping and waiting for valid value to interpolate and add to outlist
gapcount += 1
#test whether to interpolate for previous gaps
if gapcount > 0:
#found a valid value after skipping gapvalues so this is where it interpolates all of them from last valid value to this one
startvalue = outlist[-1]
endindex = int(relindex)
endvalue = rows[endindex]
gapstointerpolate = gapcount
allinterpolatedgaps = Resize([startvalue,endvalue],gapstointerpolate+3)
gapcount = 0
writinggapsflag = False
#interpolate value
currelval = rows[int(relindex)]
lookahead = 1
nextrelval = rows[int(relindex)+lookahead]
if nextrelval == gapvalue:
if writinggapsflag:
relbwval = currelval
writinggapsflag = True
relbwval = currelval + (nextrelval - currelval) * relbwindex #basenr pluss interindex percent interpolation of diff to next item
elif stretchmethod=="duplicate":
relbwval = rows[int(round(relindex))] #no interpolation possible, so just copy each time
elif stretchmethod=="spread":
if rel >= relspreadindex:
spreadindex = int(len(rows)*relspreadindex)
relbwval = rows[spreadindex] #spread values further apart so as to leave gaps in between
relspreadindex = next(relspreadindexgen)
relbwval = gapvalue
#assign each value
#assign last value
if gapcount > 0:
#this last value also has to interpolate for previous gaps
startvalue = outlist[-1]
endvalue = rows[-1]
gapstointerpolate = gapcount
allinterpolatedgaps = Resize([startvalue,endvalue],gapstointerpolate+3)
gapcount = 0
writinggapsflag = False
return outlist