出于学习目的,我正在开发一个在现实生活中基本上可以像Quartz Composer或最近的Vuo一样工作的应用程序。我正在基于核心数据框架构建节点图。
要阅读图表,我使用的是拓扑排序算法(Kahn 的算法),在此处进行了描述。代码如下:
* Get all nodes.
NSFetchRequest *request = [NSFetchRequest fetchRequestWithEntityName:@"Node"];
NSMutableArray *nodes = [[[_document managedObjectContext] executeFetchRequest:request error:nil] mutableCopy];
* Reset the nodes 'visited' flag.
[self reset:nodes];
* Get sources: predicate for nodes without input ports or with input ports without connections.
[request setPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"inputs == nil OR ALL inputs.connection == nil"]];
NSMutableArray *sources = [[[_document managedObjectContext] executeFetchRequest:request error:nil] mutableCopy];
* Perform a topological sort.
while ([sources count] > 0) {
* While there are sources.
NSManagedObject *node = [sources lastObject];
* Add the node to the tail of the final graph (NSMutableArray).
[_graph addObject:node];
[node setValue:@([_graph count] - 1) forKey:@"kNodeExecutionIndex"];
[sources removeLastObject];
* Outputs.
NSMutableSet *outputs = [node valueForKey:@"outputs"];
for (NSManagedObject *output in outputs) {
* Get output connections.
NSMutableSet *connections = [output valueForKey:@"connections"];
for (NSManagedObject *connection in connections) {
* Set the connection as already visited.
[connection setValue:@(YES) forKey:@"kConnectionVisited"];
NSManagedObject *n = [[connection valueForKey:@"destination"] valueForKey:@"node"];
* Set the 'source' flag to YES by default.
BOOL isNewSource = YES;
* Get connected inputs.
NSMutableSet *inputs = [n valueForKey:@"inputs"];
for (NSManagedObject *input in inputs) {
* Check if one of the input connections was visited.
* If not, then we need to process this connection and
* don't add it to sources for next pass.
if ([[[input valueForKey:@"connection"] valueForKey:@"kConnectionVisited"] isEqualTo:@(NO)]) {
isNewSource = NO;
if (isNewSource) {
[sources addObject:n];
- 是否可以计算卡恩算法中节点的可达性?
- 如果合适,在哪里以及如何做,所以我可以理解它为什么起作用?