I've been working on creating workbook and share them on PowerBI Preview service, and today I found that I couldn't schedule a refreshment on my workbook.
Inside this workbook, I connect with my data source(Azure SQL database) by using the Excel PowerQuery. At the moment that I add the scheduled refreshment, I got the message: you can't schedule refresh because this dataset contains data sources that do not yet support refresh.
Does anyone see why this didn't work, any help will be really appropriated.
Answer: I should load directly my data into a data model instead of into a worksheet, now the refreshment works fine!
Now I got another question, I have two tables like below
Table devices.
deviceid, network_type, location, language
Table data consuming.
deviceid, volume_consuming, date
id001, 200, 04-03-2015
id001,300, 04-05-2015
id002,500, 04-06-2015
id002, 600, 04-05-2015
id003,800, 04-03-2015
id003, 1000, 04-06-2015
I need to calculate average data consuming per device and aggregate by date, then I created this table below
Table aggregation by date
date, avg_data_per_device
04-03-2015, 500
04-05-2015, 450
04-06-2015, 750
Now comes my question, I want to add some filter to my graph which is based on the third table, since there are no deviceid in this table(it's an aggregation table), can I do some manipulation under PowerBI to acheive this, does anyone have any ideas please, thanks in advance !!!