Aglio 是一种 API 蓝图渲染器,不允许将请求正文中的参数包含在端点规范的参数部分中。它抛出解析警告如下:

parameter '<some_parameter>' not specified in '<some_description>' its '<some_URI_template>' URI template (warning code 8)

复制此警告的示例 Markdown 是:

## Journey creation [/v1/journeys/{origin}]

### Create journey [POST]
Create a new journey

+ Parameters
    + origin (required) ... origin location of journey
    + destination (required) ... destination location of journey

+ Request
    + Headers

                Accept: application/json
                Authorization: Basic <BASIC_AUTH_TOKEN>

    + Body

                     "destination" : "some_other_place"

+ Response 200 (application/json)

    + Body

            "origin" : "some_place",
            "destination" : "some_other_place",
            "journey_state" : "Not_Started",
            "timestamp" : "<dateuuid>",

渲染不喜欢 'destination' 作为参数,因为它不在 URI 模板中。

我的问题是,这是该工具的一个缺点,还是 API 蓝图规范?另外,也许,REST 端点的定义不符合标准?


1 回答 1


指定消息正文属性的正确方法是使用新的 MSON 属性语法,该语法用于从 Aglio 2.0 呈现 JSON 和 JSON Schema。

### Create journey [POST]
Create a new journey

+ Parameters
    + origin (required) - origin location of journey

+ Attributes
    + destination: some_other_place (required) - destination location of journey

+ Request
    + Headers

                Accept: application/json
                Authorization: Basic 

在不久的将来,Aglio 将呈现属性的额外信息。

于 2015-05-06T20:03:02.397 回答