我无法让 IntelliJ IDEA 9.0.2 运行 FlexUnit4 测试。由于以下错误,将不会执行测试:

Error: Unable to resolve resource bundle "<some name>"

所以我检查了 build.xml 是否正确设置了路径元素:




2 回答 2


Flex 库具有有时需要包含的资源包。我添加了



于 2010-11-29T17:43:13.533 回答

I had this same problem. I saw the suggestion in the other answer to add a path with the locale in it, and though my framework was set up correctly (and I couldn't manually edit any build path in the IntelliJ configuration), it did lead me to the problem.

Go to the "Flex" Facet in the module and click onto the Advanced tab. The problem is if the Non-default locale settings is checked and blank, then it doesn't assemble the correct path and find your framework.

To fix it, simply uncheck the "Non-default locale settings":

enter image description here

于 2011-05-05T21:09:10.610 回答