我一直在搜索 vim 的帮助,但无法找到所有详细级别的列表以及每个级别的输出。
- 0 - 当 vim 不以 开头时
,verbose 设置为 0。 - 6 - 显示缓冲区本地自动命令的删除
- 9 - 在 vim 执行时回显自动命令
- 10 - 启动时的默认级别
vim -V
并且未指定级别,显示文件的名称,因为它们是来源 - 13 - 显示异常?
- 20 - 最高等级?
来自:help 'verbose'
'verbose' 'vbs' number (default 0)
{not in Vi, although some versions have a boolean
verbose option}
When bigger than zero, Vim will give messages about what it is doing.
Currently, these messages are given:
>= 1 When the viminfo file is read or written.
>= 2 When a file is ":source"'ed.
>= 5 Every searched tags file and include file.
>= 8 Files for which a group of autocommands is executed.
>= 9 Every executed autocommand.
>= 12 Every executed function.
>= 13 When an exception is thrown, caught, finished, or discarded.
>= 14 Anything pending in a ":finally" clause.
>= 15 Every executed Ex command (truncated at 200 characters).
This option can also be set with the "-V" argument. See |-V|.
This option is also set by the |:verbose| command.
vim -V20/tmp/log filename
save verbose 20 to filename /tmp/log
When bigger than zero, Vim will give messages about what it is doing. Currently, these messages are given:
>= 1 When the viminfo file is read or written.
>= 2 When a file is ":source"'ed.
>= 5 Every searched tags file and include file.
>= 8 Files for which a group of autocommands is executed.
>= 9 Every executed autocommand.
>= 12 Every executed function.
>= 13 When an exception is thrown, caught, finished, or discarded.
>= 14 Anything pending in a ":finally" clause.
>= 15 Every executed Ex command (truncated at 200 characters).