在我的应用程序中,我正在使用标签栏控制器,我在 TabBar 控制器中有 10 个标签,在纵向模式下,屏幕上只有 4 个标签可见,其余 6 个标签隐藏在“更多”标签中。

问题出在Iphone6 +(8.3)上,当我横向旋转手机时,隐藏在“更多”选项卡中的选项卡出现并在屏幕上可见,这样7个选项卡在屏幕上可见,其余3个被隐藏在“更多”选项卡中。

现在我需要一些帮助,以便当我将手机旋转到横向时,屏幕上仅保留 4 个选项卡(如纵向模式),其他 6 个选项卡仍隐藏在“更多”选项卡中。

此问题仅在具有 IOS 8.3 的 iphone 6+ 上发生,在包括 iphone6+(IOS 低于 8.3)在内的其他 iphone 上,屏幕上可见 4 个选项卡,而其他 6 个选项卡在纵向和横向模式下仍隐藏在“更多”选项卡中。还有一件事,如果我删除了 iphone6 和 iphone6+ 的启动图像,那么一切都很好。


1 回答 1


UITabBarController您可以通过设置属性来覆盖的默认行为@property(nonatomic,copy) NSArray *items; // get/set visible UITabBarItems. default is nil. changes not animated. shown in order


 Default is UITabBarItemPositioningAutomatic. The tab bar items fill horizontally
 for the iPhone user interface idiom, and are centered with a default width and 
 inter-item spacing (customizable with the itemWidth and itemSpacing
 properties) for the iPad idiom. When the tab bar is owned by a UITabBarController
 further heuristics may determine the positioning for UITabBarItemPositioningAutomatic.
    Use UITabBarItemPositioningFill to force the items to fill horizontally.
    Use UITabBarItemPositioningCenter to force the items to center with a default
 width (or the itemWidth, if set).
@property(nonatomic) UITabBarItemPositioning itemPositioning NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(7_0) UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;

 Set the itemWidth to a positive value to be used as the width for tab bar items
 when they are positioned as a centered group (as opposed to filling the tab bar).
 Default of 0 or values less than 0 will be interpreted as a system-defined width.
@property(nonatomic) CGFloat itemWidth NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(7_0) UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;

 Set the itemSpacing to a positive value to be used between tab bar items
 when they are positioned as a centered group.
 Default of 0 or values less than 0 will be interpreted as a system-defined spacing.
@property(nonatomic) CGFloat itemSpacing NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(7_0) UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;
于 2015-05-26T14:14:41.333 回答