当我尝试运行脚本时(我在 Mac 上;我按下命令 B,对吗?),而不是生成 txt 文件,没有任何反应。(我认为,唯一的 Traceback 信息总是会出现,而且通常代码无论如何都会运行——
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/[my name]/Downloads/ImportImageTextFile.py", line 2, in <module>
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
ImportError: No module named rhinoscriptsyntax
这是到目前为止的代码(抱歉,其中一些不相关——我粘贴的代码 1. 将 jpg 转换为文本文件,2. 将文本文件放入 rhino)。
# Import points from a text file
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
from System.Drawing import Color
recreateImage = False
def main():
# import the converted pixel image and store the RGB values in "pixels":
# note: the resultant list will be organized as follows:
# the first 2 [] indicates the y and x coordinates
# the last [] indicates the color (red = 0 , green = 1 , blue = 2)
# pixels[y][x] = [R,G,B] to get the blue value at pixel 11 in the first row: pixels[11][0][2]
# you can get the width of the pixel image by using: w = len(pixels[0]) (this returns the length of the list of the first row or X-dimension)
# you can get the height of the pixel image by using: h = len(pixels) (this returns the length/number of "columns" or Y-dimension)
pixels = importPoints(recreateImage)
# the 4 is the "step value"
for x in range (0, len(pixels[0]) , 2):
for y in range (0, len(pixels) , 2):
r = pixels[y][x][0]
g = pixels[y][x][1]
b = pixels[y][x][2]
# we save the "AddSphere" into the phrase spId
# we subtract the y to not let the image mirror/ make the pixelated image higher than the original image, otherwise it would be directly above the original image
# the "3 - (r+g+b)/765" represents the sphere radius size
# spId = rs.AddSphere([x,len(pixels)-y,(r+g+b)/765*30], 3 - (r+g+b)/765 )
# rs.ObjectColor(spId, [r,g,b])
# lines have a start point and an end point
# [] / brackets indicate a new array/list
lineId = rs.AddLine ( [x, -y , r+g+b] , [x, -y , 0] )
rs.ObjectColor (lineId, [r,g,b])
def importPoints(makeImage):
#prompt the user for a file to import
filter = "Text file (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*||"
filename = rs.OpenFileName("Open Pixel File", filter)
if not filename: return
#read each line from the file
file = open(filename, "r")
contents = file.readlines()
if (makeImage):
previousLayer = rs.CurrentLayer()
counterX = -1
counterY = -1
width = 0
height = 0
imagePixels = []
pixelRow = []
#browse through each line in the text file:
for text in contents:
items = text.strip("()\r\n").split(";")
#print (str(items))
if (counterX == -1 and counterY == -1):
counterY +=1
width = int(items[1].split(",")[1])
height = int(items[2].split(",")[1])
print ("Image size: "+str(width)+" x "+str(height))
r = int(items[0])
g = int(items[1])
b = int(items[2])
counterX +=1
if (counterX == width):
counterY +=1
counterX = 0
pixelRow = []
if (makeImage):
ptId = rs.AddPoint ([counterX, -counterY, 0])
rs.ObjectName (ptId, str(counterX)+" - "+str(counterY)+" : "+str(r)+","+str(g)+","+str(b))
rs.ObjectColor (ptId, [r,g,b])
if (makeImage):
return imagePixels