缓存 aJNIEnv*
在多个线程中使用相同的,甚至可能无法将它用于同一线程上的多个本机调用(请参阅http://android-developers.blogspot。 se/2011/11/jni-local-reference-changes-in-ics.html )
并在必要时将当前线程附加到 VM 并不太难:
bool GetJniEnv(JavaVM *vm, JNIEnv **env) {
bool did_attach_thread = false;
*env = nullptr;
// Check if the current thread is attached to the VM
auto get_env_result = vm->GetEnv((void**)env, JNI_VERSION_1_6);
if (get_env_result == JNI_EDETACHED) {
if (vm->AttachCurrentThread(env, NULL) == JNI_OK) {
did_attach_thread = true;
} else {
// Failed to attach thread. Throw an exception if you want to.
} else if (get_env_result == JNI_EVERSION) {
// Unsupported JNI version. Throw an exception if you want to.
return did_attach_thread;
JNIEnv *env;
bool did_attach = GetJniEnv(vm, &env);
// Use env...
// ...
if (did_attach) {
您可以将其包装在一个类中,该类在构造时附加并在破坏时分离,RAII 风格:
class ScopedEnv {
ScopedEnv() : attached_to_vm_(false) {
attached_to_vm_ = GetJniEnv(g_vm, &env_); // g_vm is a global
ScopedEnv(const ScopedEnv&) = delete;
ScopedEnv& operator=(const ScopedEnv&) = delete;
virtual ~ScopedEnv() {
if (attached_to_vm_) {
attached_to_vm_ = false;
JNIEnv *GetEnv() const { return env_; }
bool attached_to_env_;
JNIEnv *env_;
// Usage:
ScopedEnv scoped_env;
// scoped_env falls out of scope, the thread is automatically detached if necessary
多次使用。在这种情况下,您可能希望避免不断地将线程附加到 JVM 或从 JVM 分离,但您仍然需要确保在线程销毁时分离线程。
* Get a JNIEnv* valid for this thread, regardless of whether
* we're on a native thread or a Java thread.
* If the calling thread is not currently attached to the JVM
* it will be attached, and then automatically detached when the
* thread is destroyed.
JNIEnv *GetJniEnv() {
JNIEnv *env = nullptr;
// We still call GetEnv first to detect if the thread already
// is attached. This is done to avoid setting up a DetachCurrentThread
// call on a Java thread.
// g_vm is a global.
auto get_env_result = g_vm->GetEnv((void**)&env, JNI_VERSION_1_6);
if (get_env_result == JNI_EDETACHED) {
if (g_vm->AttachCurrentThread(&env, NULL) == JNI_OK) {
} else {
// Failed to attach thread. Throw an exception if you want to.
} else if (get_env_result == JNI_EVERSION) {
// Unsupported JNI version. Throw an exception if you want to.
return env;
void DeferThreadDetach(JNIEnv *env) {
static pthread_key_t thread_key;
// Set up a Thread Specific Data key, and a callback that
// will be executed when a thread is destroyed.
// This is only done once, across all threads, and the value
// associated with the key for any given thread will initially
// be NULL.
static auto run_once = [] {
const auto err = pthread_key_create(&thread_key, [] (void *ts_env) {
if (ts_env) {
if (err) {
// Failed to create TSD key. Throw an exception if you want to.
return 0;
// For the callback to actually be executed when a thread exits
// we need to associate a non-NULL value with the key on that thread.
// We can use the JNIEnv* as that value.
const auto ts_env = pthread_getspecific(thread_key);
if (!ts_env) {
if (pthread_setspecific(thread_key, env)) {
// Failed to set thread-specific value for key. Throw an exception if you want to.