#Import the modules to send commands to the system and access GPIO pins
from subprocess import call
import RPi.GPIO as gpio
# Define a function to keep script running
def loop():
# Define a function to run when an interrupt is called
def shutdown(pin):
call('halt', shell=False)
gpio.setmode(gpio.BOARD) # Set pin numbering to board numbering
gpio.setup(7, gpio.IN) # Set up pin 7 as an input
gpio.add_event_detect(7, gpio.RISING, callback=shutdown, bouncetime=200)
#Set up an interrupt to look for button presses
loop() # Run the loop function to keep script running
然后我通过将这一行 python /home/pi/PiSupply/softshut.py 添加到 /etc/rc.local 来将此脚本设置为在启动时自动运行。
map : vt01=>fb0
oops : terminated
在进行一些搜索后发现这可能是因为 fbi。但由于它不会导致关闭时出现任何问题,我只是希望将这个垃圾重定向到日志文件而不是出现在屏幕上。
os.system('pkill fbi')
os.system('pkill fbi >/dev/null 2>/dev/null')
exec 2> /tmp/rc.local.log
exec 1>&2