1.) 选定的主机图像(将隐藏水印的图像)。
2.) 选择水印。
b= strcat(b,a); %String Concatenation
c=imread(b); %Image is read and stored in the variable c
[p,q,r]=size(c); %displaying the dimensions of Image
% Cipher watermark %
% this is a randperm method which generated random values
scrambleOrder = randperm(p*q);
redChannel = c(:, :, 1); % Extraction of red channel
greenChannel = c(:, :, 2); % Extraction of green channel
blueChannel = c(:, :, 3); % Extraction of blue channel
redChannel = redChannel(scrambleOrder); % Red channel scrambling
greenChannel = greenChannel(scrambleOrder); % Green channel scrambling
blueChannel = blueChannel(scrambleOrder); % Blue channel scrambling
redChannel = reshape(redChannel, [p,q]); % reshaping red channel
greenChannel = reshape(greenChannel, [p,q]); % reshaping green channel
blueChannel = reshape(blueChannel, [p,q]); % reshaping blue channel
s = cat(3, redChannel, greenChannel, blueChannel); % cat command for concatenation
4.) 使用 DWT 加水印。
5.) 使用恢复公式恢复加密水印。
6.) 使用以下代码解密水印。
% it will generate the 2 columns having maximum value u*v and where u and v are dimensions(width and height) of recovered watermark from watermarked image.
recoverOrder = zeros([u*v], 2);
recoverOrder(:, 1) = 1 : (u*v); % make the first column value from 1: u*v
recoverOrder(:, 2) = scrambleOrder; % make second column value of randon permutation generated during encryption
newOrder1 = sortrows(recoverOrder, 2); % sort rows of column1 and column 2
newOrder = newOrder1(:,1); Eliminate column2
redChannel = redChannel(newOrder); % New order value into red channel
greenChannel = greenChannel(newOrder); % New order value into green channel
blueChannel = blueChannel(newOrder); % New order value into blue channel
redChannel = reshape(redChannel, [u, v]); % reshape red channel
greenChannel = reshape(greenChannel, [u, v]); % reshape green channel
blueChannel = reshape(blueChannel, [u, v]); % reshape blue channel
D = cat(3, redChannel, greenChannel, blueChannel); % cat RGB and store it in D
我的问题是我对水印图像进行了许多攻击,例如旋转、缩放、裁剪,但(水印和解密水印)之间的 PSNR 和 MSE 没有改变。我认为在解密过程中,我使用了用于加密图像的相同 rand 排列。