使用while循环,我能够让它增加字符串的每个字符,直到找到一个空值。我没有将它编码为循环返回(z 变为 c),但这应该让你开始。
;tells simulator where to put my code in memory(starting location). PC is set to thsi address at start up
.orig x3000
AND R1, R1, #0 ; clear our loop counter
LEA R2, STRING ; load the memory location of the first char into R1
ADD R2, R2, R1 ; Add our counter to str memory location. R2 = mem[R1 + R2]
LDR R3, R2, #0 ; Loads the value stored in the memory location of R2
BRz END_WHILE ; If there is no char then exit loop
ADD R3, R3, #3 ; change the char
STR R3, R2, #0 ; store the value in R3 back to the location in R2
ADD R1, R1, #1 ; add one to our loop counter
BR WHILE_LOOP ; jump to the top of our loop
; Stored Data