
我有一个大约 600 万行的数据集。为简单起见,我们将只考虑两列。一个是正​​十进制数,并作为连续值导入。另一个是离散值(0 或 1),其中 1 与 0 的比率为 30:1。

我正在使用分类树(我将其标记为“学习者”)来获取分类器。然后,我尝试对我的数据集进行交叉验证,同时调整压倒性的 30:1 样本偏差。我已经尝试了几种变体来做到这一点,但无论我是否对数据进行分层,都会继续得到相同的结果。

下面是我的代码,我已经注释掉了我尝试过的各种行(使用 True 和 False 值进行分层):

import Orange
import os
import time
import operator

start = time.time()
print "Starting"
print ""

mydata = Orange.data.Table("testData.csv")

# This is used only for the test_with_indices method below
indicesCV = Orange.data.sample.SubsetIndicesCV(mydata)

# I only want the highest level classifier so max_depth=1
learner = Orange.classification.tree.TreeLearner(max_depth=1)

# These are the lines I've tried:
#res = Orange.evaluation.testing.cross_validation([learner], mydata, folds=5, stratified=True)
#res = Orange.evaluation.testing.proportion_test([learner], mydata, 0.8, 100, store_classifiers=1)
res = Orange.evaluation.testing.proportion_test([learner], mydata, learning_proportion=0.8, times=10, stratification=True, store_classifiers=1)
#res = Orange.evaluation.testing.test_with_indices([learner], mydata, indicesCV)

f = open('results.txt', 'a')
divString = "\n##### RESULTS (" + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + ") #####"
f.write("\nAccuracy:     %.2f" %  Orange.evaluation.scoring.CA(res)[0])
f.write("\nPrecision:    %.2f" % Orange.evaluation.scoring.Precision(res)[0])
f.write("\nRecall:       %.2f" % Orange.evaluation.scoring.Recall(res)[0])
f.write("\nF1:           %.2f\n" % Orange.evaluation.scoring.F1(res)[0])

tree = learner(mydata)

f.write(tree.to_string(leaf_str="%V (%M out of %N)"))
print tree.to_string(leaf_str="%V (%M out of %N)")

end = time.time()
print "Ending"
timeStr = "Execution time: " + str((end - start) / 60) + " minutes"


注意:似乎存在语法错误(分层与分层),但程序按原样运行,无一例外。另外,我知道文档显示了诸如 stratified=StratifiedIfPossible 之类的内容,但由于某种原因,只有布尔值对我有用。


1 回答 1


我看不出你在哪里调整 30:1 的偏差。如果按分层:不,分层意味着与您想要的相反(在某种意义上):分层样本是类别分布与“总体”大致相同的样本。因此,通过stratified=True,您告诉 Orange 确保它保持 30:1 的偏差。如果你不分层,样本分布可能会随机偏离一点。


# First, split the table into two tables with rows from different classes:

filt = Orange.data.filter.SameValue()
filt.position = -1
filt.value = 0
class0 = filt(mydata)
filt.value = 1
class1 = filt(mydata)

# Now class0 and class1 contain the rows from class 0 and 1, respectively
# Take 100 rows from each table:

sampler = Orange.data.sample.SubsetIndices2(p0=100)
ind = sampler(class0)
samp0 = class0.select(ind, 0)
ind = sampler(class1)
samp1 = class1.select(ind, 0)

# samp0 and samp1 now contain 100 rows from each class
# We have to merge them into a single table

balanced_data = Orange.data.Table(samp0)


不过,现在这可能正是您想要的:这个分类器会过于偏爱少数类,所以它的性能会很差。根据我的经验,您希望降低 30:1 的比例,但不要降低太多。

于 2015-05-01T12:58:02.583 回答