I am trying to remove galleryhasmedia from gallery.
However gallery entity doesn't have removegalleryhasmedia or something.
so I did a clumsy way, but it doesnt work.
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$firstGhmArray = $gallery->getGalleryHasMedias();
echo count($gallery->getGalleryHasMedias()) // before count
$afterGhmArray = array();
foreach ($firstGhmArray as $ghm){
if ($ghm->getId() == $id){ // id is the target id to delete
else {
array_push($afterGhmArray , $ghm);
echo count($gallery->getGalleryHasMedias()) // after count
I think if galleryHasMedias are normal array collection.
I can delete the element with this procedure.
I need to do something more for galleryhasmedia??