我一直在尝试使用镜头和容器并取得了一些成功,但我在尝试使用 Data.Map 的过滤遍历时遇到了我的理解限制 - 我可以更改地图中的单个实例或遍历所有实例,但我不能弄清楚如何对一些可识别的分区(即范围内的键)进行操作。

本质上,我正在尝试对地图做一些类似于 Gabriel Gonzalez 优秀镜头教程对列表所做的事情 [1]


{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes      #-}

import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set

type CharSet = Set.Set Char
type MapOfSets = Map.Map Int CharSet

data DB = DB { _mos  :: MapOfSets } deriving (Show, Eq)

makeLenses ''DB

initDB :: DB
initDB =  DB { _mos  = Map.fromList (zip [1..5] (repeat Set.empty)) }

add2Map :: Int -> CharSet -> State DB ()
add2Map i cs = mos.ix i %= (Set.union cs)

traverseAll :: Traversal' DB CharSet
traverseAll = mos.traversed

add2MapsAll :: CharSet -> State DB ()
add2MapsAll cs = traverseAll %= (Set.union cs)

--        <problematic part>          
traverseSome :: [Int] -> Int -> Traversal' DB MapOfSets
traverseSome ids i = _

add2MapsSome :: [Int] -> CharSet -> State DB ()
add2MapsSome ids cs = mos.(traverseSome ids 2) %= (Set.union cs)
--        </problematic part>

main :: IO ()
main = do
  let db = initDB
  let bar = Set.fromList ['a'..'g'] :: CharSet
  let baz = Set.fromList ['f'..'m'] :: CharSet
  let quux = Set.fromList ['n'..'z'] :: CharSet

  let db2 = execState (add2Map 5 bar) db
  let db3 = execState (add2MapsAll baz) db
  -- let db4 = execState (add2MapsSome [1,3] quux) db

  print db2
  print db3
  -- print db4

[1] http://www.haskellforall.com/2013/05/program-imperatively-using-haskell.html


2 回答 2


I'm assuming you mean

traverseSome :: [Int] -> Traversal' DB CharSet

Here's a more general version

keys :: Ord k => [k] -> IndexedTraversal' k (Map.Map k a) a
keys ks f m = go ks <&> \m' -> foldr (uncurry M.insert) m m'
    go []     = pure []
    go (i:is) = case Map.lookup i m of
                  Just a  -> (:) . (,) i <$> indexed f i a <*> go is
                  Nothing -> go is

which is very similar to ordinals from Data.Vector.Lens (my version doesn't nub duplicates, so make sure the list doesn't have duplicates). go goes through the list of indices and looks them up in the map, adding the index as it goes. The foldr bit goes through the list of edited elements and inserts them back into the original map.

You can write your's as

traverseSome :: [Int] -> IndexedTraversal' Int DB CharSet
traverseSome is = mos . keys is

add2MapsSome :: [Int] -> CharSet -> State DB ()
add2MapsSome is cs = traverseSome is %= Set.union cs

If you did want

traverseSome :: [Int] -> Lens' DB MapOfSets

this can be written as (note you shouldn't add new keys to the Map or you'll break the lens laws)

submap :: Ord k => [k] -> Lens' (Map.Map k a) (Map.Map k a)
submap ks f m = f (Map.fromList as) <&> (<> m)
  where as = Maybe.mapMaybe (\i -> (,) i <$> Map.lookup i m) ks

which could be used to write keys (but would be less efficient because you make an intermediate Map):

keys :: Ord k => [k] -> IndexedTraversal' k (Map k a) a
keys ks = submap ks . itraversed

edit: version without intermediate lists:

keys :: Ord k => [k] -> IndexedTraversal' k (Map.Map k a) a
keys ks f m = go ks
    go []     = pure m
    go (i:is) =
      case Map.lookup i m of
        Just a  -> Map.insert i <$> indexed f i a <*> go is
        Nothing -> go is
于 2015-04-28T17:51:06.530 回答

Map 是 的一个实例TraversableWithIndex,因此您也可以使用它itraversed来遍历键。indices可用于缩小键的范围。

traverseSome :: [Int] -> Traversal' DB CharSet
traverseSome ids = mos . itraversed . indices (`Set.member` idSet) where
  idSet = Set.fromList ids


于 2015-04-28T18:38:23.400 回答