我正在尝试在主报告的一个小节中创建一个链接,以重定向到 Studio 中 .Rnw 文件中附录的小节。这是我尝试过的。虽然我没有收到错误,并且它生成了一个 PDF 文件,但似乎没有预期的链接:
\usepackage{float, hyperref}
\title{The Title}
<<options, echo=FALSE>>=
I have my introduction here.
I have my subsection here. I would like to link to the subsection of the appendix at the end of this sentence; how can I do that See ~\ref{subsec:firstPoint}.
I have my conclusion here.
\subsection*{First Point}
Here is where I want my link above to point to.