We have a pretty big web page with a bunch of javascript. When loading it in Firefox/Chrome, the page gets loaded gradually. First the html that already is received is rendered and shown and then the javascript gets executed.

Internet Explorer 8 however waits until the request is completely received and its javascript executed before it shows. This gives the impression that the application is unresponsive for a short period.

We have one laptop on which IE8 loads the page like Firefox/Chrome and we've been searching for a setting on IE8 to indicate that it doesn't have to wait until all javascript is executed before showing the page or part of it.

Does anyone have a clue if there is such a setting and where it can be found? We checked that the Chrome frame for Internet Explorer is not installed.

Update: For more clarification, as @Thariama points out in the comments I also thought that IE8 always waits to render the entire page but seeing this laptop render it I am pretty sure that it loads the 'Firefox-way'. The laptop had half the RAM and CPU power a comparable desktop had and it looked and feeled faster (because of the rendering).


3 回答 3


我今天在尝试确定为什么 IE8 在从 localhost 加载时会逐渐呈现,但在从 Intranet 服务器加载时不会呈现时遇到了同样的问题。

解决方法是告诉 IE 使用哪个渲染引擎。我更喜欢始终使用可用的最新引擎进行渲染。

    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

发生这种情况的原因是,当从 localhost 加载时,IE 正在标准模式下使用 IE8 引擎进行渲染。从内网加载时,IE 默认使用 IE7 引擎以兼容模式渲染。IE7 引擎会暂停,直到整个表在渲染之前加载,但 IE8 引擎会逐步渲染表。

要检查特定页面的 IE 处于哪种模式,请按 F12 以调出开发人员工具,在菜单区域中有一个“浏览器模式”,它会告诉您它选择了哪个渲染引擎,而“文档模式”则表示怪癖模式或标准模式。

于 2012-06-15T16:35:37.067 回答

我最近的任务是解决遗留 web 应用程序中的 IE8 页面呈现问题(无需更改太多服务器端代码)。我将页面的最大部分包裹在 textarea 元素中(在服务器端),并使用 JavaScript 提取它们的内容,删除 textarea 并将 html 插入 textarea 所在的位置......效果很好......甚至看起来在现代浏览器中加载更快。

于 2016-05-15T15:06:54.250 回答

如果人们使用 IE 并且它总是这样做,他们已经习惯了这种“无响应”的想法,每当我打开 IE 以检查兼容性时,我只是接受所有页面看起来“无响应”一段时间的事实。

它是 IE 的一部分,生活在无知中的人已经习惯了,他们不会点击离开。


于 2010-06-07T07:51:40.707 回答