您指定了 Java,但我不会为您编写作业解决方案,所以这里有一个 Ruby 中的工作解决方案。
class TreeBuilder
attr_reader :root # generate root instance var and getters
# Constructor. Initially the tree is empty.
def initialize
@root = nil
# This is the public front-end for building a binary tree from an
# iterable set. It invokes a recursive back-end.
def buildTree(aList)
aList.sort! # ensure list is sorted, delete this if you trust input
# Hand the recursive back end an iterator and the initial list size,
# make the returned result the root of the tree.
@root = __build_tree__(aList.each, aList.size)
# Autocreate a Node class as a structure with a payload and
# left and right subtree references. This automagically has
# setters and getters with the same name as the instance vars.
Node = Struct.new(:payload, :left, :right)
# Recursive back end attempts to build subtrees.
# This takes an Enumerator (Iterator if you prefer) for the
# linked list, the current depth of this attempt (which is
# how balance is maintained), and returns a Node reference.
def __build_tree__(list_enum, depth)
if depth > 0 # If we're not too deep in the tree for balance...
# Try constructing the left subtree first
left = __build_tree__(list_enum, depth / 2)
# Now for the current Node...
# The begin/rescue block corresponds to a Java if/else check
# on whether the Iterator "hasNext()". Java can pre-check,
# Ruby says "Just try getting the next value and catch the
# exception if it's not there"
# Try getting the next value from the linked list
value = list_enum.next
rescue StopIteration
# If we ran out of values, bail out with just the "left" subtree
return left
# If we succeeded in getting a value, construct the Node to store
# it in, populate its left subtree, and try building and populating
# the right subtree as well.
return Node.new(value, left, __build_tree__(list_enum, (depth-1) / 2))
# Recursive base case - if we kept going, the tree would end up unbalanced
return nil
正如我上面所说,这是 Ruby 中的实际工作代码。您可以将其映射到您的分配,但它包含遍历列表并将每个元素放在适当位置以最终得到平衡树的基本逻辑。