后缀“$”作为终止字符仅适用于某些 DOS 功能。INT 10h / AH=13h
(Video-BIOS 函数)处理CX
. “Pascal-string”的长度在第一个字节中。它没有像 DOS-/C-/ASCIIZ 字符串那样的终止字符。您可以从这里获得 TP 手册——尤其是程序员指南。
program string_out;
var s1 : string;
procedure write_local_string;
var s3 : string;
s3 := 'Hello world from stack segment.';
push bp { `BP` is in need of the procedure return }
mov ax, ss
mov es, ax
lea bp, s3 { Determine the offset of the string at runtime }
mov ax, 1300h
mov bx, 0007h
xor cx, cx { Clear at least `CX` }
mov cl, [es:bp] { Length of string is in 1st byte of string }
inc bp { The string begins a byte later }
mov dx, 0200h { Write at third row , first column}
int 10h
pop bp
s1 := 'Hello world from data segment.';
mov ah, 0
mov al, 03h
int 10h;
mov ax, ds
mov es, ax
mov bp, offset s1
mov ax, 1300h
mov bx, 0007h
xor cx, cx { Clear at least `CH` }
mov cl, [es:bp] { Length of string is in 1st byte of string }
inc bp { The string begins a byte later }
mov dx, 0000h { Write at first row , first column}
int 10h
mov ax, cs
mov es, ax
mov bp, offset @s2
mov ax, 1300h
mov bx, 0007h
mov cx, 30 { Length of string }
mov dx, 0100h { Write at second row , first column}
int 10h
jmp @skip_data
@s2: db 'Hello world from code segment.'
writeln; writeln; { Adjust cursor }