我尝试使用 pygrib 使用 matplotlib 绘制 gfs 天气模型的输出以保存数据,这些数据保存在 grib 文件中。几乎一切正常,输出如下所示:


通过使用 0 度的数据,该程序似乎没有缩小 359.5 度和 360 度之间的差距。如果数据位于常规列表或其他内容中,我将使用 0° 的数据并通过附加列表将其保存为 360°。我见过人们对非 pygrib 数据有同样的问题。如果您知道如何更改 pygrib 数据(不幸的是,常规操作不适用于 pygrib 数据)或如何使 matplotlib 缩小差距,那么您真的会帮我解决这个问题。也许“addcyclic”功能可以提供帮助,但我不知道如何。




import os, sys, datetime, string
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

import numpy as np
import numpy.ma as ma
from scipy.ndimage.filters import minimum_filter, maximum_filter
import pygrib
from netCDF4 import Dataset
from pylab import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap, addcyclic, shiftgrid

import laplaceFilter
import mpl_util

class Plot(Basemap):
    def __init__(self, basemapParams):
        self.layers = []

    def addLayer(self, layer):

    def plot(self, data):
        for layer in self.layers:
            layer.plot(self, data)


class Layer(metaclass=ABCMeta):
    def __init__(self):

    def plot(self, plot, data):
        return NotImplemented

class BackgroundLayer(Layer):
    def __init__(self, bgtype, coords):
        #possible bgtype values: borders, topo, both
        self.bgtype = bgtype
        self.lonStart = coords[0]
        self.lonEnd   = coords[1]
        self.latStart = coords[2]
        self.latEnd   = coords[3]

    def plot(self, plot, data):

    def findSubsetIndices(self,min_lat,max_lat,min_lon,max_lon,lats,lons):

class LegendLayer(Layer):
    def __init__(self):

class GribDataLayer(Layer, metaclass=ABCMeta):
    def __init__(self, varname, level, clevs, cmap, factor):
        self.varname = varname
        self.level = level
        self.clevs = clevs
        self.cmap = cmap
        self.factor = factor

    def plot(self, plot, data):
        #depending on the height we want to use, we have to change the index
        indexes = {1000:0, 2000:1, 3000:2, 5000:3, 7000:4, 10000:5, 15000:6, 20000:7, 25000:8, 30000:9,
                   35000:10, 40000:11, 45000:12, 50000:13, 55000:14, 60000:15, 65000:16, 70000:17,
                   75000:18, 80000:19, 85000:20, 90000:21, 92500:22, 95000:23, 97500:24, 100000:25, 0:0}

        selecteddata = data.select(name = self.varname)[indexes[self.level]]
        lats, lons = selecteddata.latlons()

        layerdata = selecteddata.values*self.factor

        x, y = plot(lons, lats) # compute map proj coordinates.
        self.fillLayer(plot, x, y, layerdata, self.clevs, self.cmap)

    def fillLayer(self, plot, x, y, layerdata, clevs, cmap):
        return NotImplemented

class ContourLayer(GribDataLayer):
    def __init__(self, varname, level, clevs, cmap, factor, linewidth=1.5, fontsize=15,
                 fmt="%3.1f", inline=0,labelcolor = 'k'):
        self.linewidth = linewidth
        self.fontsize = fontsize
        self.fmt = fmt
        self.inline = inline
        self.labelcolor = labelcolor
        super().__init__(varname, level, clevs, cmap, factor)

    def fillLayer(self, plot, x, y, layerdata, clevs, cmap):
        # contour data over the map.
        cs = plot.contour(x,y,layerdata,clevs,colors = cmap,linewidths = self.linewidth)
        plt.clabel(cs, clevs, fontsize = self.fontsize, fmt = self.fmt, 
                   inline = self.inline, colors = self.labelcolor)
        if self.varname == "Pressure reduced to MSL":

    def plotHighsLows(self,plot,layerdata,x,y):

class ContourFilledLayer(GribDataLayer):
    def __init__(self, varname, level, clevs, cmap, factor, extend="both"):
        self.extend = extend
        super().__init__(varname, level, clevs, cmap, factor)

    def fillLayer(self, plot, x, y, layerdata, clevs, cmap):
        # contourfilled data over the map.
        cs = plot.contourf(x,y,layerdata,levels=clevs,cmap=cmap,extend=self.extend)
        #cbar = plot.colorbar.ColorbarBase(cs)


ger_coords = [4.,17.,46.,56.]
eu_coords  = [-25.,57.,22.,70.]

### Choose Data
data = pygrib.open('gfs.t12z.mastergrb2f03')

### 500hPa Europe
coords = eu_coords
plot1 = Plot({"projection":"lcc","resolution":"h","rsphere":(6378137.00,6356752.3142), "area_thresh": 1000.,

clevs = range(480,600,4)
cmap = plt.cm.nipy_spectral
factor = .1
extend = "both"
level = 50000
layer1 = ContourFilledLayer('Geopotential Height', level, clevs, cmap, factor, extend)

clevs = [480.,552.,600.]
linewidth = 2.
fontsize = 14
fmt = "%d"
inline = 0
labelcolor = 'k'
layer2 = ContourLayer('Geopotential Height', level, clevs, 'k', factor, linewidth, fontsize, fmt, inline, labelcolor)

level = 0
clevs = range(800,1100,5)
factor = .01
linewidth = 1.5
inline = 0
labelcolor = 'k'
layer3 = ContourLayer('Pressure reduced to MSL', level, clevs, 'w', factor, linewidth, fontsize, fmt, inline, labelcolor)

plot1.addLayer(BackgroundLayer('borders', coords))

2 回答 2



如果您的经度范围是从 0 到 359.75,则 Matplotlib 不会填充该区域,因为从 matplotlibs 的角度来看,它在那里结束。我通过划分数据然后堆叠它来解决它。

selecteddata_all = data.select(name = "Temperature")[0]

selecteddata1, lats1, lons1 = selecteddata_all.data(lat1=20,lat2=60,lon1=335,lon2=360)
selecteddata2, lats2, lons2 = selecteddata_all.data(lat1=20,lat2=60,lon1=0,lon2=30)

lons         = np.hstack((lons1,lons2))
lats         = np.hstack((lats1,lats2))
selecteddata = np.hstack((selecteddata1,selecteddata2))

不再有 0° 的白色区域。

如果您想绘制整个半球(0 到 359.75 度),我不知道是否有解决办法。

于 2015-06-22T15:41:05.217 回答

我自己也遇到过几次,底图模块的 addcyclic 函数实际上运行得很好。底图文档列出了语法并很好地使用。

就代码中的变量而言,您可以在 GribDataLayer 类中乘以 self.factor 之前或之后添加循环点:

layerdata, lons = addcyclic(layerdata, lons)

您也可以使用 np.append 并编写自己的函数来完成同样的任务。它看起来像这样:

layerdata = np.append(layerdata,layerdata[...,0,None],axis=-1)

如果您的输入数据是二维的,那么上面的语法相当于选择第一个经度带中的所有数据(即 layerdata[:,0])

layerdata = np.append(layerdata,layerdata[:,0,None],axis=-1)


于 2015-08-04T12:33:54.230 回答