我在 Windows 上工作,并启用了扩展 postgis,数据库上的 pgrouting。我已经安装了 postgreSQL 9.4,并且我正在使用来自无界研讨会(http://workshops.boundlessgeo.com/tutorial-routing/)的数据。

SELECT pgr_nodeNetwork('edges',0.001,'geom','gid','noded')

当我运行这个查询时,它会运行大约 1 分钟,然后在FAIL. 我该如何解决这个问题?我的 pgr_createTopology 查询已成功运行。

NOTICE:  pgr_nodeNetwork('edges',0.001,'geom','gid','noded')
NOTICE:  Performing checks, pelase wait .....
NOTICE:  Processing, pelase wait .....
ERROR:  line_locate_point: 1st arg isnt a line
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "create temp table inter_loc on commit drop as ( select * from (
        (select l1id, l2id, st_linelocatepoint(line,source) as locus from intergeom)
        (select l1id, l2id, st_linelocatepoint(line,target) as locus from intergeom)) as foo
        where locus<>0 and locus<>1)"
PL/pgSQL function pgr_nodenetwork(text,double precision,text,text,text) line 184 at EXECUTE statement
********** Error **********

ERROR: line_locate_point: 1st arg isnt a line
SQL state: XX000
Context: SQL statement "create temp table inter_loc on commit drop as ( select * from (
        (select l1id, l2id, st_linelocatepoint(line,source) as locus from intergeom)
        (select l1id, l2id, st_linelocatepoint(line,target) as locus from intergeom)) as foo
        where locus<>0 and locus<>1)"
PL/pgSQL function pgr_nodenetwork(text,double precision,text,text,text) line 184 at EXECUTE statement

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