美好的一天,我现在对 infinispan javax.cache.annotation.CacheResult
的JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6.1 和 6.3中的实现有点困惑。
需要其注释的方法中的参数。它使用参数实际为商店创建密钥。然而,它并没有真正记录如果你没有它会发生什么。对于想要返回存储在数据库中的国家/地区列表并且该列表不会经常更改的 Web 应用程序,可能会发生这种情况。
* Fetches a list of Country's from the Database system trough the SOAP adapter.
* @return a lit of country's from the Database system.
@CacheResult(cacheName = "referenceService/CountryListCache")
// The attributes sorted is used by the caching mechanism, as combined key for the (to be) cached CountryListCache object.
public List<Country> getCountryList() throws ReferenceServiceException_Exception {
LOG.debug("Cache is not used doing a full call to the service.");
ReferenceTableIdSO getter = //Create a getter that does the external query;
List<AlfaCodeDBObjectSO> transform = //calls the external system to get the data.
//Transform the external data to somtine we want to return.
List<Country> result = new ArrayList<Country>();
for (AlfaCodeDBObjectSO trans : transform) {
Country country = new Country(trans.getCode(), trans.getExplanation());
return result;
<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:infinispan:1.4">
<cache-container name="rest-cache" default-cache="default" start="EAGER">
<local-cache name="default">
<transaction mode="NONE"/>
<eviction strategy="LRU" max-entries="1000"/>
<expiration max-idle="3600000"/>
<local-cache name="referenceService/CountryListCache">
<locking isolation="REPEATABLE_READ" acquire-timeout="15000"/>
<transaction mode="NONE" locking="PESSIMISTIC"/>
<eviction strategy="LRU" max-entries="1024"/>
<expiration lifespan="86400000"/>