我有一个引用绝对位置的 LESS 文件(它必须是绝对位置,否则 grunt-usemin 不会正确解析它),但这会导致 less 编译器在处理时无法解析图像image-width()
// logo is located at /client/assets/images/ but "/client" is the
// web root, which is why the absolute reference is "/assets/images"
@logo-url: '/assets/images/web-header-111_253x45.gif';
@logo-width: image-width(@logo-url);
@logo-height: image-height(@logo-url);
.web-header {
width: @logo-width;
height: @logo-height;
background: url(@logo-url);
less: {
options: {
server: {
files: [{
src: ['client/app/app.less'],
dest: '.tmp/app/app.css'
Warning: Running "less:server" (less) task
>> RuntimeError: error evaluating function `image-width`: ENOENT, no such file or directory 'C:\git\www-project\client\app\assets\images\web-header-111_2
53x45.gif' in client\app\app.less on line 26, column 14:
>> 25 @logo-url: '/assets/images/web-header-111_253x45.gif';
>> 26 @logo-width: image-width(@logo-url);
>> 27 @logo-height: image-height(@logo-url);
Warning: Error compiling client/app/app.less Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.
问题:我可以设置什么来使 image-width(...) 解析相对于 C:\git\www-project\client 目录而不是包含 app.less 的目录?