我想做一个没有重叠的时间表,只能在 1 个时间段预订 1 位老师。我想创建一个像教师一样的 2darray 行,时间段是列。
1 回答
用于此类约束的一般约束(“某些东西应该是不同的”)是两个全局约束 all_different 或 alldifferent_except_0。
注意:我更改为 3 个教师、3 个时间段和 5 个演示文稿,以更一般地使用 alldifferent_except_0,因为可能存在没有教师/时间段用于演示的作业。
如果您只想分配 T 个教师、TS 时隙和 P 个演示文稿而没有进一步的约束,那么时间表矩阵上的单个约束“all_different_except_0”就足够了(连同下面解释的总和)。“时间表”的维度是我们分配演示文稿的 T x TS(教师 x 时隙),如果没有针对该教师和时隙的演示文稿,则为 0。
include "globals.mzn";
set of int: Timeslots = 1..3;
set of int: Teachers = 1..3;
set of int: Presentations = 1..5;
solve satisfy;
% Decision variables
array[Teachers, Timeslots] of var {0} union Presentations: timetable;
% ensure that there are 5 assigned presentations
/\ sum([timetable[t,ts]>0 | t in Teachers, ts in Presentations]) = card(Presentations)
% output [....];
该模型的缺点是不容易说明可能需要的进一步约束,而且我们必须计算“时间表”矩阵中非 0 分配的数量,以确保准确分配了 5 个演示文稿。
2) 添加决策变量
include "globals.mzn";
set of int: Timeslots = 1..3;
set of int: Teachers = 1..3;
set of int: Presentations = 1..5;
% Decision variables
% Which teacher has this presentation
array[Presentations] of var Teachers: presentation_teacher;
% Which timeslot for this presentation
array[Presentations] of var Timeslots: presentation_time;
% Which combination of teacher and timeslot for a presentation, if any
array[Teachers, Timeslots] of var {0} union Presentations: timetable;
solve satisfy;
% This constraint is not needed now
% /\ sum([timetable[t,ts]>0 | t in Teachers, ts in Presentations]) = card(Presentations)
/\ % connect timetable and presentation_teacher and presentation_time
forall(p in Presentations) (
timetable[presentation_teacher[p],presentation_time[p]] = p
约束“forall(p in Presentations) (...)”连接了两个表示:“时间表”表示和两个添加的数组。
3) 替代版本
include "globals.mzn";
set of int: Timeslots = 1..3;
set of int: Teachers = 1..3;
set of int: Presentations = 1..5;
% Decision variables
% Which teacher has this presentation
array[Presentations] of var Teachers: presentation_teacher;
% Which timeslot for this presentation
array[Presentations] of var Timeslots: presentation_time;
solve satisfy;
% variant A
forall(t in Teachers) (
% the time for this teacher is distinct (or 0)
alldifferent_except_0([presentation_time[p] * (presentation_teacher[p]=t) | p in Presentations])
% variant B
forall(t in Teachers) (
% combination of (time + teacher) for this teacher is unique
alldifferent([presentation_time[p]+(presentation_teacher[p]*card(Presentations)) | p in Presentations])
这个模型有两个变体,第一个(“A”)使用 alldifferent_except_0 来确保每个教师的演示是不同的。
第二个变体(“B”)是一种 hack,虽然有时非常有用:它构建一个分配给教师的整数列表(时间 + 教师 ID * 演示数)并确保这些是不同的。
output [
"Teacher " ++ show(t) ++ " has these presentations" ++ show([p | p in Presentations where fix(presentation_teacher[p]) = t]) ++ "\n"
| t in Teachers