我有一个针对 Windows 8.1 的 Windows 应用商店应用程序,我需要集成 Dropbox。到目前为止,还没有官方的 Dropbox SDK。他们在这里列出了一些选项。其中一些 SDK 多年来一直没有被触及,这令人不安。

我还需要在不访问服务器的情况下进行身份验证。在 iOS 上,我通过让我的应用程序向操作系统注册一个自定义 URI 来实现这一点,以便在用户在浏览器中进行身份验证后使用令牌调用我的应用程序。Windows 上可能需要类似的东西,但我找不到有人以这种方式设置身份验证的任何示例。

所以我的问题是:是否有人将 Dropbox 集成到 Windows 应用商店应用程序中,而无需单独的服务器进行身份验证,您是如何做到的?


1 回答 1


解决方案:我决定继续使用 DropNetRT。我找不到如何在 Windows 应用商店应用程序中对其进行身份验证的完整示例,但我终于有了一个完全有效的解决方案,用于在没有服务器的情况下进行身份验证,这是我的目标。我把它贴在这里希望它能节省别人的时间。

private const string VAULT_KEY_DROPBOX_CREDS = "com.mycompany.dropbox.creds";
private const string AppKey = "myappkey";
private const string AppSecret = "myappsecret";

static private string UserToken = null;
static private string UserSecret = null;
static public DropNetClient Client = null;
static private bool IsLoggedIn = false;

public static async Task<bool> Authorize()
    if (!IsLoggedIn)
        // first try to retrieve credentials from the PasswordVault
        PasswordVault vault = new PasswordVault();
        PasswordCredential savedCreds = null;
            savedCreds = vault.FindAllByResource(VAULT_KEY_DROPBOX_CREDS).FirstOrDefault();
        catch (Exception)
            // this happens when no credentials have been stored

        if (savedCreds != null)
            UserToken = savedCreds.UserName;
            UserSecret = savedCreds.Password;

            // since credentials were found in PasswordVault, they can be used to create an authorized client immediately
            Client = new DropNetClient(AppKey, AppSecret, UserToken, UserSecret);
            IsLoggedIn = true;
            // no credentials were found in PasswordVault, so we need for the user to authenticate
            // start with a shell of a DropNetClient
            Client = new DropNetClient(AppKey, AppSecret);

            // build a request uri so the user can authenticate, and configure it to return control to the app when complete
            UserLogin requestToken = await Client.GetRequestToken();
            Uri appCallbackUri = WebAuthenticationBroker.GetCurrentApplicationCallbackUri();
            string requestUrlString = Client.BuildAuthorizeUrl(requestToken, appCallbackUri.ToString());
            Uri requestUri = new Uri(requestUrlString);

            // this call presents the standard Windows "Connecting to a service" screen to let the user authenticate
            // then returns control once the user either authenticates or cancels (uses the back arrow button)
            WebAuthenticationResult war = await WebAuthenticationBroker.AuthenticateAsync(WebAuthenticationOptions.None, requestUri, null);

            string authCode = null;
            string uid = null;
            if (war.ResponseStatus == WebAuthenticationStatus.Success)
                // the user successfully authorized the app to use Dropbox, but we are still not done
                // parse the oauth_token and uid out of the response (although the uid is not needed for anything)
                string response = war.ResponseData;
                WwwFormUrlDecoder decoder = new WwwFormUrlDecoder(new Uri(response).Query);
                authCode = decoder.GetFirstValueByName("oauth_token");
                uid = decoder.GetFirstValueByName("uid");

                if (authCode != null)
                    // update the DropNetClient with the authCode and secret
                    // the secret does not change during authentication so just use the one from the requestToken
                    Client.SetUserToken(authCode, requestToken.Secret);

                    // this is the last step: getting a final access token
                    UserLogin finalAccessToken = await Client.GetAccessToken();

                    // now that we have full credentials, save them in the PasswordVault
                    // so that the user will not need to authenticate the next time
                    if (finalAccessToken != null)
                        UserToken = finalAccessToken.Token;
                        UserSecret = finalAccessToken.Secret;
                        vault.Add(new PasswordCredential(VAULT_KEY_DROPBOX_CREDS, UserToken, UserSecret));

                    IsLoggedIn = true;

    return IsLoggedIn;

public static void Deauthorize()
    // to deauthorize dropbox, we just have to find any saved credentials and delete them
    PasswordVault vault = new PasswordVault();
        PasswordCredential savedCreds = vault.FindAllByResource(VAULT_KEY_DROPBOX_CREDS).FirstOrDefault();
    catch (Exception)
        // this happens when no credentials have been stored

    IsLoggedIn = false;
于 2015-04-24T21:30:36.573 回答