我是 dotCMS 的新手(实际上我是为一个项目评估它)。
现在我想使用其余 API 在 Web 客户端应用程序中显示此消息。
"content": "<p>Hi !<\/p>\n<p>I am a <strong>Message<\/strong>.<\/p>\n<p>See you.<\/p>",
现在我错过了所有者的公共名称,我无法使用标准的 rest API 来获取它。我该怎么做?
我越接近使用基于 spring 示例的 osgi 插件。并阅读 com.dotcms.rest 包的源代码。我尝试在 app/spring/myController/test 或 app/spring/myController/getUserNameById/id/dotcms.org.2831 获取它,但没有成功(编辑:我没有找到 404 并且日志中没有错误)。已知问题在 javadoc 中:
@RequestMapping ("/myController")
* I also try with @Path("/myController") but I got a 404 not found.
public class myController extends WebResource {
* This default method works fine.
@RequestMapping(value = "/", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ModelAndView helloWorld() {
Logger.info( this.getClass(), "Received request to hello" );
String myMessage = "Hello World, Spring 3.1 and dotCMS!";
// This will resolve to /application/spring/helloworld.dot
return new ModelAndView("helloworld", "message", myMessage);
* This one dosen't accept my MappingJacksonJsonView. But no error in the logfile.
@RequestMapping(value = "/test", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ModelAndView test() {
Logger.info( this.getClass(), "Test request" );
Map<String,String> model = new HashMap<>();
model.put("key", "value");
Logger.info( this.getClass(), "Map ready" );
MappingJacksonJsonView view = new MappingJacksonJsonView();
Logger.info( this.getClass(), "View ready" );
ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView(view, model);
Logger.info( this.getClass(), "Response ready" );
return modelAndView;
* I can't reach this method. And if so, will the Response return type even work ?
public Response getUserById(@Context HttpServletRequest request, @PathParam("params") String params) throws JSONException {
InitDataObject initData = init( params, true, request, true );
Map<String, String> paramsMap = initData.getParamsMap();
String userId = paramsMap.get("id");
Logger.info( this.getClass(), "Received request with userId " + userId );
//Creating an utility response object
ResourceResponse responseResource = new ResourceResponse( initData.getParamsMap() );
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
jsonObject.put("userId", userId);
//Get and put user public name into the jsonObject here.
Logger.info( this.getClass(), jsonObject.toString());
return responseResource.response(jsonObject.toString());