我正在尝试使用 rxjava 创建一个事件总线,在该事件总线上我会抛出一些即使发生错误也会继续的命令。我正在研究 onErrorFlatMap 但它不再存在,我还无法理解具体化和非具体化。
public class EventBusTest {
private EventBus eventBus = new EventBus();
public void test() {
//listeners in service layer
//incoming requests in rest layer
List<String> incomingCalls = new ArrayList<>();
Collections.addAll(incomingCalls, "firstRequest", "secondRequestErrorOnValidate", "thirdRequest", "fourthRequestErrorInService", "fifthRequest");
public void incomingCallsEgHttpCalls(String string) {
.map(aName -> new BeanA(aName))
.doOnNext(bean -> eventBus.post(new CreateCommand(bean)))
.subscribe(bean -> System.out.println("\tReturn ok to client: " + bean.getName()), error -> System.out.println("\tReturning error to client: " + string + "; " + error.getMessage()));
public void handleBeanAInService1(BeanA beanA) {
System.out.println("BeanAService1 handling BeanA " + beanA.getName());
if(beanA.getName().contains("ErrorInService")) {
throw new RuntimeException("service exception for " + beanA.getName());
eventBus.post(new CreateCommand(new BeanB(beanA.getName())));
public void handleBeanAInService2(BeanA beanA) {
System.out.println("BeanAService2 handling BeanA " + beanA.getName());
public void handleBeanBInService(BeanB beanB) {
System.out.println("BeanBService handling BeanB " + beanB.getName());
public class EventBus {
private PublishSubject<Object> publishSubject = PublishSubject.create();
public EventBus post(Object object) {
//publishSubject.onNext(object); => does not work, OnErrorNotImplementedExceptions if eventbus observers throw errors in validate
//To prevent OnErrorNotImplementedException
try {
} catch (OnErrorNotImplementedException e) {
Throwable cause = e.getCause();
if (cause instanceof RuntimeException) {
throw (RuntimeException) cause;
throw new RuntimeException(cause);
return this;
public Observable<Object> observe() {
//I also tried
//return publishSubject.onErrorResumeNext(publishSubject);
return publishSubject;
public <F, T> Observable<T> on(Observable.Transformer<F, T> onCommand) {
return onCommand.call((Observable<F>) publishSubject);
public class CreateCommand {
private Object object;
public CreateCommand(Object object) {
this.object = object;
public Class<?> type() {
return object.getClass();
public <T> T value() {
return (T) object;
public static <F, T> Observable.Transformer<F, T> createOf(Class<T> clazz) {
return observable -> observable
.filter(createCommand -> clazz.isInstance(createCommand.object))
.map(createCommand -> clazz.cast(createCommand.object));
public class BeanA {
private String name;
public BeanA(String name) {
this.name = name;
public String getName() {
return name;
public static void validateBusinessLogic(BeanA beanA) {
if (beanA.getName().contains("ErrorOnValidate")) {
throw new RuntimeException("validate exception for " + beanA.getName());
public class BeanB {
private String name;
public BeanB(String name) {
this.name = name;
public String getName() {
return name;
BeanAService1 handling BeanA firstRequest
BeanBService handling BeanB firstRequest
BeanAService2 handling BeanA firstRequest
Return ok to client: firstRequest
BeanAService1 handling BeanA secondRequestErrorOnValidate
BeanBService handling BeanB secondRequestErrorOnValidate
Returning error to client: secondRequestErrorOnValidate; validate exception for secondRequestErrorOnValidate
BeanAService1 handling BeanA thirdRequest
BeanBService handling BeanB thirdRequest
Return ok to client: thirdRequest
BeanAService1 handling BeanA fourthRequestErrorInService
Returning error to client: fourthRequestErrorInService; service exception for fourthRequestErrorInService
Return ok to client: fifthRequest
BeanAService1 handling BeanA firstRequest
BeanBService handling BeanB firstRequest
BeanAService2 handling BeanA firstRequest
Return ok to client: firstRequest
BeanAService1 handling BeanA secondRequestErrorOnValidate
BeanBService handling BeanB secondRequestErrorOnValidate
Returning error to client: secondRequestErrorOnValidate; validate exception for secondRequestErrorOnValidate
BeanAService1 handling BeanA thirdRequest
BeanBService handling BeanB thirdRequest
BeanAService2 handling BeanA thirdRequest
Return ok to client: thirdRequest
BeanAService1 handling BeanA fourthRequestErrorInService
BeanAService2 handling BeanA fourthRequestErrorInService
Returning error to client: fourthRequestErrorInService; service exception for fourthRequestErrorInService
BeanAService1 handling BeanA fifthRequest
BeanBService handling BeanB fifthRequest
BeanAService2 handling BeanA fifthRequest
Return ok to client: fifthRequest
任何想法如何解决它?我看到 rxjava 中有一个关于 EventBus 实现示例的问题,但没有找到。
我还希望我的服务不需要做一些特定的 rxjava 错误处理。