首先在 Aspose.Words 或 MS Word 中创建一个新文档,它将用作模板。
- 在顶部添加一个空白表格
- 在空白表之后添加联系方式
- 添加书签,在联系方式之后

现在,使用 Aspose.Words,您可以在每次在表格中添加新行时检查书签的位置。如果书签位于第 1 页,则将新行添加到第一个表。如果书签位于第 2 页,则将新行添加到第二个表。下面是向表中添加行的示例代码,将联系人详细信息固定在第 1 页上。
public static void main(String[] args)
String template = Common.DATA_DIR + "Contact Template.docx";
String saveDocument = Common.DATA_DIR + "Contact with tables.docx";
String bookmarkNameContact = "ContactEnd";
// Load the template
com.aspose.words.Document wordDoc = new com.aspose.words.Document(template);
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(wordDoc);
// Find the contacts bookmark
com.aspose.words.Bookmark bookmarkContact = wordDoc.getRange().getBookmarks().get(bookmarkNameContact);
// Set the table with null
com.aspose.words.Table table = null;
// Add some rows
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
// If contacts bookmark is on 1st page, add new rows to first table
if (getBookmarkPage(wordDoc, bookmarkContact) == 1)
table = (com.aspose.words.Table) wordDoc.getChild(NodeType.TABLE, 0, true);
} else
// If the contacts bookmark is on second page, add rows to second table
table = (com.aspose.words.Table) wordDoc.getChild(NodeType.TABLE, 1, true);
// If there is no second table, create it
if (table == null)
table = createNewTable(wordDoc, bookmarkContact);
// Add rows dynamically to either first or second table
addRow(wordDoc, table, "some text " + i);
// Save the document
} catch (Exception ex)
private static com.aspose.words.Table createNewTable(com.aspose.words.Document wordDoc, com.aspose.words.Bookmark bookmarkContact) throws Exception
// Get the first table and clone it to create the second one
com.aspose.words.Table firstTable = (com.aspose.words.Table) wordDoc.getChild(NodeType.TABLE, 0, true);
com.aspose.words.Table table = (com.aspose.words.Table) firstTable.deepClone(true);
// Add the second table after the bookmark
// Delete all its rows
return table;
// Add a new row to the table
private static void addRow(com.aspose.words.Document wordDoc, com.aspose.words.Table table, String text)
// Create a new row
com.aspose.words.Row row = new com.aspose.words.Row(wordDoc);
// Add it to the table
// Add cells to the row
for (int iCell = 0; iCell < 4; iCell++)
// Create a new cell and set text inside it
com.aspose.words.Cell cell = new com.aspose.words.Cell(wordDoc);
cell.appendChild(new com.aspose.words.Paragraph(wordDoc));
cell.getFirstParagraph().appendChild(new Run(wordDoc, text));
private static int getBookmarkPage(com.aspose.words.Document wordDoc, com.aspose.words.Bookmark bookmarkContact) throws Exception
// Find the page number, where our contacts bookmark is
LayoutCollector collector = new LayoutCollector(wordDoc);
return collector.getStartPageIndex(bookmarkContact.getBookmarkEnd());
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