包进行重新处理。想要以图形方式表示它,我遇到了这个关于文本的 twitter 云比较,并试图像它一样加载和表示我的数据。我有超过 500 个语料库数据列表。当转换为 aDocumentTermMatrix
时,它会给出列表中超过 3k 个单词的所有单词。
数据:(语料库)- b
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kumar m santhosh monday october pm rizal herwin g s venkatesh global business reporting cc tjhin minarti arsojo nindyo subje
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harjono bambang wednesday october pm global business reporting cc saptadi firman subject re commercial asia booking point limits
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kumar m santhosh tuesday october global business reporting ramesh sandeep talanki g s venkatesh cc challagundla ram bhupal chowdary subject fw please approve qlikview gpa access please action access request regards santhosh monteleone elif monday october g s venkatesh kumar m santhosh cc singh sarvjeet saini subject fw please approve qlikview gpa access hi guys can please get access finiasi jieni monday october monteleone elif subject fw please approve qlikview gpa access hi elif hope well able approve request access pacific sites please regards jieni finiasi jieni monday september deo ravinesh subject please approve qlikview gpa access hello can please review attached form click line manager approval approve
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roe clarification
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heo jae hyun wednesday october icis helpdesk subject case id fw questions gpa hi team response inquiry jae hyun heo director financial institutions group nd floor kyobo building chongro ka chongro ku seoul korea office mobile email jaehyunheoanzcom australia new zealand banking group ltd heo jae hyun monday september icis helpdesk subject questions gpa hi team please see screen copy gpa fig korea like ask following questions terms revrwa calculation key performance ratio revrwa mtd gpa however calculated ratio based upon information gpa shows total revenue mtd rwa mtd mn mn question gpa calculated revrwa ytd gpa however calculated ratio based upon informaiton gpa shows total revenue ytd rwa ytd mn mn question gpa calculated revrwa fyx gpa calculated ratio based upon information gpa shows total revenue fyx rwa fyx mn mn almost gpa can find revrwa ratio client level jae hyun heo director financial institutions group nd floor kyobo building chongro ka chongro ku seoul korea office mobile email jaehyunheoanzcom australia new zealand banking group ltd
tdm <- TermDocumentMatrix(b)
matrix <- as.matrix(tdm)
colnames(term.matrix) =c(data$Output)
#for each list in data corresponding output is must be attcahed
#here output-("Access","Report/Data") is represented as 1 and 2
#error Error in strwidth(words[i], cex = size[i], ...) : invalid 'cex' value
如何用原始内容替换数字 1 和 2 并有效地表示图中的文本?