我正在使用 WURFL 来检测用户连接到网站的设备。这样我可以将用户重定向到我网站中的移动友好目录,请在此处阅读: 将移动设备重定向到我网站的备用版本
我已经下载了 WURFL 并运行了示例页面。如果我使用桌面加载页面,它工作正常。但是如果我尝试在移动设备(IOS 8)上运行它,我会收到以下错误:
Fatal Error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'There is no device with ID [apple_iphone_ver8] in the loaded WURFL data'
下面是 WURFL 给出的演示页面:
<title>WURFL PHP API Example</title>
// Include the configuration file
include_once './inc/wurfl_config_standard.php';
$wurflInfo = $wurflManager->getWURFLInfo();
if (isset($_GET['ua']) && trim($_GET['ua'])) {
$ua = $_GET['ua'];
$requestingDevice = $wurflManager->getDeviceForUserAgent($_GET['ua']);
} else {
// This line detects the visiting device by looking at its HTTP Request ($_SERVER)
$requestingDevice = $wurflManager->getDeviceForHttpRequest($_SERVER);
<li><h4>VERSION: <?php echo $wurflInfo->version; ?> </h4></li>
<div id="content">
User Agent: <b> <?php echo htmlspecialchars($ua); ?> </b>
<li>ID: <?php echo $requestingDevice->id; ?> </li>
<li>Brand Name: <?php echo $requestingDevice->getCapability('brand_name'); ?> </li>
<li>Model Name: <?php echo $requestingDevice->getCapability('model_name'); ?> </li>
<li>Marketing Name: <?php echo $requestingDevice->getCapability('marketing_name'); ?> </li>
<li>Preferred Markup: <?php echo $requestingDevice->getCapability('preferred_markup'); ?> </li>
<li>Resolution Width: <?php echo $requestingDevice->getCapability('resolution_width'); ?> </li>
<li>Resolution Height: <?php echo $requestingDevice->getCapability('resolution_height'); ?> </li>
<p><b>Query WURFL by providing the user agent:</b></p>
<form method="get" action="index.php">
<div>User Agent: <input type="text" name="ua" size="100" value="<?php echo isset($_GET['ua'])? htmlspecialchars($_GET['ua']): ''; ?>" />
<input type="submit" /></div>