How can I rebuild jna-4.1.0.jar file to include the linux-s390x specific libjnidispatch.so file.

This is needed by one of my application and failing on the dependency of this libjnidispatch.so file.

Did try to follow this question: How to use JNAerator with multiple dynamic libraries under one header?

Syntax Used:

java -jar jnaerator-0.11-shaded.jar \
> -arch linux-s390x linux-s390x/libjnidispatch.so \
> -mode jna-3.3.0-jenkins-3.jar \
> -jar jna-3.3.0-jenkins-3_updated.jar

Getting below error:

 ERROR: JNAeration failed !
#       Error parsing arguments :
#       -arch linux-s390x linux-s390x/libjnidispatch.so -mode jna-3.3.0-jenkins-3.jar -jar jna-3.3.0-jenkins-3_updated.jar : com.ochafik.lang.jnaerator.JNAerator$CommandLineException: Argument 'linux_s390x' is not one of the expected values :
#               linux_x64,
#               linux_x86,
#               armeabi,
#               sunos_x86,
#               sunos_sparc,
#               darwin_universal,
#               win32,
#               win64
#       Please use -h for help on the command-line options available.

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确保您已安装 JDK,并带有 Apache ant 和本机构建工具(make、gcc、grep 等)。

然后运行ant native; ant jar

请注意,开箱即用可能无法识别 s390x,但是如果您查看构建文件以了解其他平台的处理方式,则应该可以直接添加 s390x 的开关(请参阅 build.xml 和 native/Makefile)。

如果您有以前 JNA 版本的包分发,则该包可能包含必要的包,如果是这样,请考虑将它们作为 github 拉取请求提交到 JNA 项目,以便将它们正确地合并到项目中。

于 2015-04-21T16:32:18.730 回答