当我将 Windows CE 6 设备连接到我的开发机器时,我会在 Windows 设备管理器中注册 Microsoft USB Sync。但由于某种原因,我无法连接 ActiveSync。有想法该怎么解决这个吗?

它适用于 Windows CE 5,但当我们升级 ActiveSync 时,功能消失了。

新更新 13.34:

来自 WCESCOMM.LOG 的错误日志:

06/07/2010 13:31:12.495 - USB: RNDIS device id ...
06/07/2010 13:31:12.964 - USB: Event 32768, name ...
06/07/2010 13:31:12.964 - USB: Device Arrival notification
06/07/2010 13:31:12.980 - ComSerial: Closed device.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.042 - UsbComm: Open device <USB>.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.042 - UsbComm: Change DTR to 1.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.058 - Serial: Starting device detection at 115200.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.073 - UsbComm: Change DTR to 1.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.339 - AutobaudDetect: Found character <C>.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.355 - AutobaudDetect: Found character <L>.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.370 - AutobaudDetect: Found character <I>.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.386 - AutobaudDetect: Found character <E>.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.386 - AutobaudDetect: Found character <N>.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.402 - AutobaudDetect: Found character <T>.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.402 - Serial: Unimodem handshake at 115200.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.417 - Proxy: Change connection state 1.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.417 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 5655.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.433 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 3000.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.433 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 3001.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.449 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 3002.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.464 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 3003.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.464 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 3004.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.464 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 3005.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.480 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 3006.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.480 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 3007.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.495 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 3008.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.495 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 3009.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.495 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 3010.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.511 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 3011.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.511 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 3012.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.511 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 3013.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.527 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 3014.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.527 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 3015.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.527 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 3016.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.527 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 3017.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.542 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 3018.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.542 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 3019.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.542 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 3020.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.558 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 3021.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.558 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 3022.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.574 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 3023.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.574 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 3024.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.574 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 3025.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.589 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 3026.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.589 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 3027.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.589 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 3028.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.605 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 3029.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.605 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 3030.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.605 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 3031.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.620 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 6510.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.620 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 6511.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.636 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 6512.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.636 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 6513.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.636 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 6514.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.652 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 6515.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.652 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 6516.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.667 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 6517.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.667 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 6518.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.667 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 6519.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.683 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 6520.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.683 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 6521.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.683 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 6522.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.699 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 6523.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.699 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 6524.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.714 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 6525.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.714 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 6526.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.714 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 6527.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.730 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 6528.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.730 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 6529.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.730 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 6530.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.745 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 6531.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.745 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 6532.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.761 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 6533.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.761 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 6534.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.761 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 6535.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.777 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 6536.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.777 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 6537.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.777 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 6538.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.792 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 6539.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.792 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 6540.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.792 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 6541.
06/07/2010 13:31:13.808 - Proxy: Created dynamic proxy on port 1026.

来自 WCESMgr.log 的错误日志:

06/07/2010 13:31:51.339 **************** Logging Started ****************
06/07/2010 13:31:51.339 Process C:\Program\Microsoft ActiveSync\WCESMgr.exe  p(3040)
06/07/2010 13:31:51.339 ActiveSync second instance started, Cmd line: '/show'
06/07/2010 13:31:51.339 ActiveSync second instance exiting
06/07/2010 13:31:51.339 **************** Logging Stopped ****************

2 回答 2


Windows CE 6 和 Windows CE 5 是两个不同的东西,所以说与在一个驱动程序上工作的驱动程序有关的东西不会反映在另一个上。

究竟是什么错误?Windows(我假设是 XP)是否要求安装驱动程序,或者是否说连接了无法识别的设备。

你在构建操作系统吗?如果是这样: 使用 Windows CE 5 后,您知道硬件没问题,因此您需要确保您有一个可以正常运行的 USBFN 驱动程序。您还需要确保您的 USB serial_class 注册表设置正确并且包含目录项(当然,如果您正在构建操作系统)。目录项是SYSGEN_USBFN_SERIAL。您还需要确保操作系统中包含 Active Sync ( SYSGEN_AS_BASE)。

更新:所以,你是 OEM。如果您说您在 Windows CE 设备上看到拨号程序启动和停止,您可以查看调试序列以查找错误代码。可能是您的 RAS 电话簿条目不正确。

  • 检查桌面以查看它是否识别出未识别的 USB 设备。至少您会知道桌面尝试与设备通信并且未能检索描述符。
  • 确保 Serial_class 是 Windows CE 尝试使用的那个。您可以通过设置以下注册表设置来做到这一点(Windows CE 6 不支持 ActiveSync over RNDIS):
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\USB\FunctionDrivers] "DefaultClientDriver"="Serial_Class"
  • [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\USB\FunctionDrivers\Serial_Class]包含序列类目录项后,您应该有一个条目。WINCE600\PUBLIC\COMMON\OAK\FILES\common.reg如果您没有在其中一个 OSDesing 注册表文件中设置自己的内容,则会复制此条目。
于 2010-06-06T05:30:30.207 回答

您是否删除了旧连接并开始了新连接?我在 CE 5 上也遇到过类似的问题。有时这与重新启动所有内容一样有效。

于 2010-06-04T12:57:21.817 回答