I am using UIBackgroundtaskIdentifier to create background task of uploading images to server.

NSLog(@"Time left = %.1f seconds", [UIApplication sharedApplication].backgroundTimeRemaining);

When I take the application in to background, it show that applicaiton have 179 seconds to run in background. I log the server responses as it uploads that images one by one.

    [[DataCoordinator sharedInstance] setBackgroundTask:[[UIApplication sharedApplication] beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler:^{
        NSLog(@"No background task should run now.");
        [[UIApplication sharedApplication] endBackgroundTask:[[DataCoordinator sharedInstance] backgroundTask]];
        [[DataCoordinator sharedInstance] setBackgroundTask:UIBackgroundTaskInvalid];

The strange thing happening here is that, after the time provided by iOS for my application to run in background is over still the upload doesn't stops. Suppose I tried uploading 33 images, and when 179 seconds got complete application was successful uploading only 9 out of 33 images. But the process doesn't stop. And application keep uploading the remaining pictures.


1 回答 1


你不应该依赖backgroundTimeRemaining. 苹果表示,当您在后台运行该应用程序时,该应用程序可能会被杀死:


实际上,您可以有几秒钟或 5 分钟,这取决于许多因素,例如电池寿命、内存使用情况等。无论 backgroundTimeRemaining 显示什么,您都必须对应用程序进行编程以做正确的事情。

于 2015-04-20T07:45:20.617 回答