I'm using fullpage.js and everytime I try to move the scripts at the bottom of the page I have never the 100/100 Google PageSpeed Insights. Is there any way to defer or async the codes in order to unblock the contents above the fold?

<script>script number one</script>
<script>script number two</script>
<script>script number three</script>
<script>script number four</script>
<script>script number five</script>

<script type="text/javascript" async src="..."></script>
<script type="text/javascript" async src="..."></script>
<script type="text/javascript" async src="..."></script>
<script type="text/javascript" async src="..."></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.thisisfed.com/js/jqu.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.thisisfed.com/js/jquery.fullPage.min.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function(){$('#fullpage').fullpage({menu:'#mymenu',css3:false,showActiveTooltip:true,continuousVertical:true,scrollOverflow:true,recordHistory:false,easing:'easeInOutCubic',responsive:900,navigation:true,scrollingSpeed:700,normalScrollElements:'.hidden',anchors:['one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine','ten','eleven','twelve','thirteen','fourteen','fifteen','sixteen','seventeen','eighteen','nineteen','twenty','twentyone','twentytwo','twentythree','twentyfour','twentyfive','twentysix','twentyseven','twentyeight','twentynine','thirty','thirtyone','thirtytwo','thirtythree','thirtyfour','thirtyfive','thirtysix','thirtyseven','thirtyeight','thirtynine','fourty','fourtyone','fourtytwo','fourtythree','fourtyfour','fourtyfive'],navigationTooltips:['( 01 / 45 )','( 02 / 45 )','( 03 / 45 )','( 04 / 45 )','( 05 / 45 )','( 06 / 45 )','( 07 / 45 )','( 08 / 45 )','( 09 / 45 )','( 10 / 45 )','( 11 / 45 )','( 12 / 45 )','( 13 / 45 )','( 14 / 45 )','( 15 / 45 )','( 16 / 45 )','( 17 / 45 )','( 18 / 45 )','( 19 / 45 )','( 20 / 45 )','( 21 / 45 )','( 22 / 45 )','( 23 / 45 )','( 24 / 45 )','( 25 / 45 )','( 26 / 45 )','( 27 / 45 )','( 28 / 45 )','( 29 / 45 )','( 30 / 45 )','( 31 / 45 )','( 32 / 45 )','( 33 / 45 )','( 34 / 45 )','( 35 / 45 )','( 36 / 45 )','( 37 / 45 )','( 38 / 45 )','( 39 / 45 )','( 40 / 45 )','( 41 / 45 )','( 42 / 45 )','( 43 / 45 )','( 44 / 45 )','( 45 / 45 )']});

The jqu.js is the jQuery


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