我正在使用Reflux.connectFilter mixin 让一堆 Graph 组件监听我的 GraphStore 中的变化。使用过滤器,它们应该只在 GraphStore 的图形数组中与其 ID 匹配的元素发生更改(或添加/删除)时重新渲染。但是,当我更新数组的单个元素时,比如通过设置名称变量,我仍然看到所有正在监听的图表重新呈现。难道我做错了什么?


var Reflux       = require('reflux');
var GraphActions = require('./graphActions').GraphActions;

var GraphStore = Reflux.createStore({
  listenables: [GraphActions],
  init: function() {
    this.graphs         = [];
    this.metricMetaData = {};
  onAddGraph: function(graphId, name) { // Called only by the Dashboard component that is a parent to all Graphs
             id:   graphId,
             name: ""

  onSetName: function(graphId, name) { // Called only by the Dashboard component that is a parent to all Graphs
     for(var i = 0, gl = this.graphs.length; i < gl; ++i) {
        if(this.graphs[i].id === graphId) {
           this.graphs[i].name = name;
  updateGraphs: function() {
    this.trigger(this.graphs); // This is the only place in the store where trigger is called
  getInitialState: function() {
    return this.graphs;

module.exports = {GraphStore: GraphStore};


/** @jsx React.DOM */
var React        = require('react');
var Reflux       = require('reflux');
var GraphActions = require('./graphActions').GraphActions;
var GraphStore   = require('./graphStore').GraphStore;

var Graph = React.createClass({
  mixins: [Reflux.connectFilter(GraphStore, "graph", function(graphs) {
    return graphs.filter(function(graph) {
      return graph.id === this.props.id;
  propTypes: {
    id: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired
  render: function() {
    if(typeof this.state.graph === "undefined") {
       return (<div>The graph has not been created in the store yet</div>);
    } else {
       return (<div>Graph name: {this.state.graph.name}</div>);

module.exports = {Graph: Graph};


/** @jsx React.DOM */
var React        = require('react');
var Graph        = require('./graph').graph;
var GraphActions = require('./graphActions').GraphActions;
var UUID         = require('uuid');    

var Dashboard = React.createClass({
  propTypes: {
    numGraphs: React.PropTypes.int.isRequired
  render: function() {
    var graphs = [];
    for(var i = 0; i < this.props.numGraphs; ++i) {
        var currId = UUID.v4();
        GraphActions.addGraph(currId, "");
        graphs.push(<Graph id={currId} />);

    return (<div>{graphs}</div>);

module.exports = {Dashboard: Dashboard};

1 回答 1


我没有使用 Reflux,但我认为这里的问题是您的所有Graph实例都在侦听GraphStore,并且一旦该商店发送事件,所有组件实例都会收到该事件。他们会过滤掉他们不感兴趣的数据,但 Reflux 仍然会调用setState所有实例,触发它们重新渲染。如果过滤器函数的结果与以前相同,则 Reflux 不会(据我所知)短路重新渲染。

为了缩短它并避免在返回相同数据时重新渲染,您需要shouldComponentUpdate在组件上实现该方法并将新状态与旧状态进行比较,如果相同则返回 false。

一种流行的方法是将 [1] Immutable.js 与 [2] PureRenderMixin 一起使用,它会为您完成短路。

[1] https://github.com/facebook/immutable-js

[2] https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/pure-render-mixin.html

于 2015-04-21T13:46:17.343 回答