这是一种使用生成器/迭代器来扁平化异步代码的干净方法,它在 node.js 中对我有用:
var asyncProcedureGenerator1 = function*() {
var it = yield(0); //get a reference to the iterator
try {
var a = yield (asyncPart1.bind(it))(0); //call the function, set this = it
var b = yield (asyncPart2.bind(it))(a);
var c = yield (asyncPart3.bind(it))(b);
console.log("c = ", c);
console.log("Something went wrong: ", err);
var runAsyncGenerator = function(generator) {
var asyncProcedureIterator = generator(); //create an iterator
asyncProcedureIterator.next(); //start the iterator
asyncProcedureIterator.next(asyncProcedureIterator); //pass a reference of the iterator to itself
var asyncPart1 = function(param1) {
var it = this; //the iterator will be equal to this.
console.log("Starting asyncPart1 with param1 = ", param1);
setTimeout(function() {
console.log("Done with asyncPart1");
var returnValue = 42 + param1;
console.log("asyncPart1 returned ", returnValue);
it.next(returnValue); //when we are done, resume the iterator which has yielded to us.
var asyncPart2 = function(param1) {
var it = this; //the iterator will be equal to this.
console.log("Starting asyncPart2 with param1 = ", param1);
setTimeout(function() {
console.log("Done with asyncPart2");
var returnValue = param1 / 2;
console.log("asyncPart2 returned ", returnValue);
//it.throw("Uh oh.");
var asyncPart3 = function(param1) {
var it = this; //the iterator will be equal to this.
console.log("Starting asyncPart3 with param1 = ", param1);
setTimeout(function() {
console.log("Done with asyncPart3");
var returnValue = param1 / 3;
console.log("asyncPart3 returned ", returnValue);