您仍然可以设计您的公共接口甚至事件通知机制,以便客户端以一种感觉就像连接到属性而不是整个对象的方式与系统一起工作,甚至可能调用属性中的方法(如果它是一个对象/proxy) 来连接插槽,如果您需要或可以提供从属性指向对象的反向指针。
那是在方便和包装类型的东西的领域。但是你不需要违反开闭原则来实现 C++ 中的 MVP 设计。不要被数据表示挤在角落里。您在公共接口级别有很大的灵活性。
大多数软件分解为拥有资源的聚合层次结构。例如,在 3D 软件中,顶点属于网格,而网格属于场景图,而场景图属于应用程序根。
这种延迟的异步设计在这种规模下很有用,因为它为您提供了定期间隔(或者可能只是其他线程,尽管您需要写锁 - 以及读锁,尽管写入需要便宜 -在这种情况下)轮询并投入全部资源来批量处理队列,而时间更关键的处理可以在不与事件/通知系统同步的情况下继续进行。
// Interned strings are very useful here for fast lookups
// and reduced redundancy in memory.
// They're basically just indices or pointers to an
// associative string container (ex: hash or trie).
// Some contextual class for the thread storing things like a handle
// to its event queue, thread-local lock-free memory allocator,
// possible error codes triggered by functions called in the thread,
// etc. This is optional and can be replaced by thread-local storage
// or even just globals with an appropriate lock. However, while
// inconvenient, passing this down a thread's callstack is usually
// the most efficient and reliable, lock-free way.
// There may be times when passing around this contextual parameter
// is too impractical. There TLS helps in those exceptional cases.
class Context;
// Variant is some generic store/get/set anything type.
// A basic implementation is a void pointer combined with
// a type code to at least allow runtime checking prior to
// casting along with deep copying capabilities (functionality
// mapped to the type code). A more sophisticated one is
// abstract and overriden by subtypes like VariantInt
// or VariantT<int>
typedef void EventFunc(Context& ctx, int argc, Variant** argv);
// Your universal object interface. This is purely abstract:
// I recommend a two-tier design here:
// -- ObjectInterface->Object->YourSubType
// It'll give you room to use a different rep for
// certain subtypes without affecting ABI.
class ObjectInterface
virtual ~Object() {}
// Leave it up to the subtype to choose the most
// efficient rep.
virtual bool has_events(Context& ctx) const = 0;
// Connect a slot to the object's signal (or its property
// if the event_id matches the property ID, e.g.).
// Returns a connection handle for th eslot. Note: RAII
// is useful here as failing to disconnect can have
// grave consequences if the slot is invalidated prior to
// the signal.
virtual int connect(Context& ctx, InternedString event_id, EventFunc func, const Variant& slot_data) = 0;
// Disconnect the slot from the signal.
virtual int disconnect(Context& ctx, int slot) = 0;
// Fetches a property with the specified ID O(n) integral cmps.
// Recommended: make properties stateless proxies pointing
// back to the object (more room for backend optimization).
// Properties can have set<T>/get<T> methods (can build this
// on top of your Variant if desired, but a bit more overhead
// if so).
// If even interned string compares are not fast enough for
// desired needs, then an alternative, less convenient interface
// to memoize property indices from an ID might be appropriate in
// addition to these.
virtual Property operator[](InternedString prop_id) = 0;
// Returns the nth property through an index.
virtual Property operator[](int n) = 0;
// Returns the number of properties for introspection/reflection.
virtual int num_properties() const = 0;
// Set the value of the specified property. This can generate
// an event with the matching property name to indicate that it
// changed.
virtual void set_value(Context& ctx, InternedString prop_id, const Variant& new_value) = 0;
// Returns the value of the specified property.
virtual const Variant& value(Context& ctx, InternedString prop_id) = 0;
// Poor man's RTTI. This can be ignored in favor of dynamic_cast
// for a COM-like design to retrieve additional interfaces the
// object supports if RTTI can be allowed for all builds/modes.
// I use this anyway for higher ABI compatibility with third
// parties.
virtual Interface* fetch_interface(Context& ctx, InternedString interface_id) = 0;
句柄向下传递调用堆栈。当事件发生时,比如属性改变,对象可以通过 if 将事件推送到这个队列中has_events() == true
,将 object/event_id 映射到客户端。disconnect
全局队列在不同的线程中处理,触发连接槽的适当信号。在那里,它可以专注于在队列不为空时批量处理队列,在队列为空时进行休眠/让步。所有这些的全部目的是为了提高性能:与每次修改对象属性时发送同步事件的潜力相比,推送到队列非常便宜,并且在处理大规模输入时,这可能是非常昂贵的开销. 因此,简单地推送到队列允许该线程避免将时间花在事件处理上,将其推迟到另一个线程。