iam loading data in to GemfireXD from a file .... file contain the information like this... ID NAME 1 |John Smth 2 |Jane 3 |Paul Joes 4 |Mark Jcobs 5 |Mary Sphenson 6 |Steve oberts 7 |Margaret Johnso

AFTER LOADING THE DATA IN TO GemfireXD ,if you fire query SELECT * FROM TABLE Output is like this ....

ID NAME 5 |Mary Sphenson 7 |Margaret Johnso 4 |Mark Jcobs 2 |Jane 3 |Paul Joes 1 |John Smth 6 |Steve oberts

many i know the reason why the ID are notstored in a proper order like INPUT File

help on this....

Thanku You


1 回答 1


好吧,这与 GemFireXD 本身无关,而是基本 SQL。除非您指定“order by”子句,否则不需要对 select 的结果进行排序。添加“排序依据”。

于 2015-04-16T06:52:09.493 回答