right now I am developing a project using swift and I use some of class in objective c. I have set up bridge and most of them work fine. But I have a problem to override the method defined in objective class.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "ASFTableViewPublicGlobals.h"
@class ASFTableView;
@protocol ASFTableViewDelegate <NSObject>
- (void)ASFTableView:(ASFTableView *)tableView DidScroll:(UIScrollView *)aScrollView;
@interface ASFTableView : UIView
@property (nonatomic, assign) id<ASFTableViewDelegate> delegate;
- (void)ASFTableView:(ASFTableView *)tableView DidSelectRow:(NSDictionary *)rowDict WithRowIndex:(NSUInteger)rowIndex;
As you see, the class in objective c is defined ASFTableView, and after I set up the bridge and everything, I define a class in swift
import UIkit
class asftable: ASFTableView {
This work without any error, but when I want to override the method
import UIkit
class asftable: ASFTableView {
override func ASFTableView(tableView: ASFTableView!, didSelectRow rowDict: [NSObject : AnyObject]!, withRowIndex rowIndex: UInt) {
xcode will show up a use of undeclared type ASFTableView, I have try cmd+click on ASFTableView, it shows symbol not found. without override this method, I could jump to the code of ASFTableView.
Anyone see the solution of this situation?