我使用 packagemaker ver 3.0.4 创建了包 (.pkg) 文件。是否可以为 .pkg 文件提供自定义图标。有人可以帮助我如何做到这一点吗?提前致谢。


2 回答 2

Setting an icon for an mpkg, works fine

# create a file that actually going to set the icon file
touch <package_name>.mpkg/Icon$'\r'

# --- copy the customIcon.icns file to the <package_name>.mpkg before doing the sips, if its needed you 
# can take a copy of the file before doing the sips command, doing on a copied file will do good

sips -i <package_name>.mpkg/customIcon.icns
DeRez -only icns <package_name>.mpkg/customIcon.icns > tmpIcon.rsrc
Rez -append tmpIcon.rsrc -o $'<package_name>.mpkg/Icon\r'
SetFile -a C <package_name>.mpkg

# removing the tmp file
rm tmpIcon.rsrc

# remove the .icns from mpkg                
rm <package_name>.mpkg/customIcon.icns

# if you want you can hide the Icon$'\r' file inside the .mpkg file, file that presently sets the icon 
SetFile -a V <package_name>.mpkg/Icon$'\r'

Hope this helps.
于 2012-05-18T09:03:43.867 回答


于 2010-06-03T08:12:37.210 回答