If you have a value a
then to convert it to CPS style you replace it with something like (a -> r) -> r
for some unspecified r
. In your case, the base function is index :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Maybe Int
and so the CPS form is
index :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> (Maybe Int -> r) -> r
or even
index :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> (Int -> r) -> r -> r
Let's implement the latter.
index x as success failure =
Notably, there are two continuations, one for the successful result and one for a failing one. We'll apply them as necessary and induct on the structure of the list just like usual. First, clearly, if the as
list is empty then this is a failure
case as of
[] -> failure
(a:as') -> ...
In the success case, we're, as normal, interested in whether x == a
. When it is true we pass the success continuation the index 0
, since, after all, we found a match at the 0
th index of our input list.
case as of
(a:as') | x == a -> success 0
| otherwise -> ...
So what happens when we don't yet have a match? If we were to pass the success continuation in unchanged then it would, assuming a match is found, eventually be called with 0
as an argument. This loses information about the fact that we've attempted to call it once already, though. We can rectify that by modifying the continuation
case as of
(a:as') ...
| otherwise -> index x as' (fun idx -> success (idx + 1)) failure
Another way to think about it is that we have the collect "post" actions in the continuation since ultimately the result of the computation will pass through that code
-- looking for the value 5, we begin by recursing
1 :
2 :
3 :
4 :
5 : _ -- match at index 0; push it through the continuation
0 -- lines from here down live in the continuation
This might be even more clear if we write the recursive branch in pointfree style
| otherwise -> index x as' (success . (+1)) failure
which shows how we're modifying the continuation to include one more increment for each recursive call. All together the code is
index :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> (Int -> r) -> r -> r
index x as success failure
case as of
[] -> failure
(a:as') | x == a -> success 0
| otherwise -> index x as' (success . (+1)) failure