I'm trying to extend this topic a bit by expanding it to cover 5-bit values packed into a byte[] data structure.

The specific objective I'm trying to achieve would be to store a total of 128 5-bit (0-31) numeric values in a 80-byte array with a get/set function to access and manipulate the values within the array.

Does anyone have experience with this?


Thanks to Guffa in the accepted answer below, here's an inline version of his class for use in static calls:

byte Get_5_In_BA(ref byte[] storage, int index)
    int bigIndex = (index * 5) / 8;
    int smallIndex = (index * 5) % 8;
    if (smallIndex > 3)
        return ((byte) (((storage[bigIndex] + (storage[bigIndex + 1] * 0x0100)) >> smallIndex) & 0x1F));
    return ((byte) ((storage[bigIndex] >> smallIndex) & 0x1F));

void Set_5_In_BA(ref byte[] storage, int index, byte value)
    if (value > 31) { value = 31; }
    int bigIndex = (index * 5) / 8;
    int smallIndex = (index * 5) % 8;
    int mask = 0x1F << smallIndex;
    storage[bigIndex] = (byte) ((storage[bigIndex] & ~mask) | (value << smallIndex));
    if (smallIndex > 3)
        storage[bigIndex + 1] = (byte) ((storage[bigIndex + 1] & ~(mask >> 8)) | (value >> (8 - smallIndex)));

1 回答 1



public class FiveBit {

  private byte[] _data;

  public FiveBit(int len) {
    _data = new byte[(len * 5 + 7) / 8];

  public int this[int index] {
    get {
      int i = index * 5 / 8;
      int ofs = index * 5 % 8;
      if (ofs > 3) {
        return ((_data[i] + _data[i + 1] * 256) >> ofs) & 31;
      } else {
        return (_data[i] >> ofs) & 31;
    set {
      int i = index * 5 / 8;
      int ofs = index * 5 % 8;
      int mask = 31 << ofs;
      _data[i] = (byte)((_data[i] & ~mask) | (value << ofs));
      if (ofs > 3) {
        _data[i + 1] = (byte)((_data[i + 1] & ~(mask >> 8)) | (value >> (8 - ofs)));


注意:这没有经过彻底测试,但我已经测试过我可以在其中放入 128 个随机 5 位值,并再次获得相同的值。您还应该对参数添加一些范围检查以使代码更加健壮,并且我没有过多考虑类名,因此您肯定可以编造一些更好地描述它的东西。

于 2015-04-12T20:15:07.940 回答